First game and Stansson

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Once they landed in California, they headed to the university where they would be staying for the duration of the games

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Once they landed in California, they headed to the university where they would be staying for the duration of the games. Due to the fact that there were only 3 girls on the team, they would be staying on the same floor as the guys, just farther down the hall.

Connie and Julie had taken the bunk beds and had given Audrey the double bed against the wall across from the door.

The two girls sat on Audrey's bed while she was putting her clothes in the closet, " how are you liking the team so far, Julie?"

"You two are great. The others are too. I just don't think Goldberg likes me very much," Julie sighed

"Goldberg has only known goalie. He's been goalie since we've known him." Connie explained

"At least you guys didn't get the same treatment Adam did." Audrey shrugged, causing Connie to agree

After Bombay had apologized to the team, they prepared for their next game.

Audrey was by Tammy and Fulton, struggling to get her pads up her legs. Fulton and Tammy watched in amusement as she muttered curse words.

The door to the locker room opened to reveal Coach Bombay and Adam. Everyone noticed the former Hawk player and grew silent. Audrey and Charlie shared a look before stepping forward.

"On behalf of the ducks, we'd like to say-"
Jesse had cut Charlie off by standing up and placing his hand on his chest

"Cake eater"
"Jesse" Audrey sighed

"Oo, dissing the new guy. The jester-" Averman started but Audrey sent him a look and told him to shut up

"Putting on a ducks jersey doesn't make you a real duck." Jesse snapped, bumping Adam on the shoulder as he made his way out of the locker room, causing everyone to follow

"They're a great group of kids once you get to know them" Bombay said, patting Adam on the shoulder

"Yeah. I bet" Adam sadly said

"Gear up and I'll see you on the ice." Bombay said, walking out of the locker room

Adam noticed Audrey standing there and sent her a questioning look, "what?"

"Don't let them get to you. Jesse will take a while to get use to you but once everyone sees how much we need you, they'll come around." She smiled, causing him to nod his head

"It took getting a concussion for Jesse to like him." Audrey chuckled

"And all it took for Audrey to like him, was him smiling at her" Connie teased, causing Julie to laugh

Audrey still felt the same way she did when Adam asked her out. Adam has decided to walk audrey home because Connie was hanging out with Guy. Adam was complaining about the Romeo and Juliet essay they were assigned in English and Audrey has offered him her help. Then, for some reason, Adam had asked her to be his girlfriend.

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