Chapter - 1

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Chapter - 1


Come, thick night,

And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,

That my keen knife see not the wound it makes,

Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark

To cry, "Hold, hold!

                                                                   -William Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth,  Macbeth, act 1, sc. 5.



Whoa!! What the hell just happened?

Mike woke up from his desk he had been sleeping upon during Physics class. His teacher Mrs. Emmons who had a sweet voice that makes you doze off as soon as you heard the first word, taught Physics Theory Paper for Mike.

He cannot understand a word that she is saying...Mostly because he was sleeping at the back of the class obstructed from view. He quickly rubbed his eyes and dabbed some water in his eyes.

He turned back to see what the next class was. Unfortunately, to his dismay, it was...Physics. He swore under his breath. 

Why does it have to be Physics?

That too with Heather Emmons?

For TWO hours? 

Alrighty then, on the bright side, Mark noticed that he had successfully survived one hour of Physics. Of course he slept. What could he do? He hadn't slept much after the Zimmerman incident. He had been trying to find the original Chemmol Text. A manuscript written with an ancient language that mankind has forgotten. But recently there has been rumours of an unknown manuscript. It could be the last Manuscript left on Earth.

The Chemmol Manuscript is an ancient script written in a language called or supposed to be called Chemmol. But Mankind had forgotten it. Even so, some people still practise it, not publicly for it is a language of Angels and Demons. It can summon both the creatures of the dark and the light.

Yesterday, Mike saw how powerful it is. It was the first time he saw a Masked Sentinal before him. He was both exited and scared at the same time. Exited that they actually exist in real life and scared that he may not return alive from this encounter.

As for the stopping of his heart, he did not really stop his heart. Mike slowed down his heart to the point that it was beating once every five seconds.

He remembered the sensation, he felt like he was going to die. Even the thought of attempting it near the Sentinel made him shiver.

His heartbeat was slow enough not to be sensed by the Sentinel. An art that he practised almost every other day since the last year. The key is to be really calm...

"And the moment of force, that is also called Torque is represented by the Greek letter Tau...And it is equal to the force times the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation..." Mrs. Emmons droned on about torque.

It is also equal to the Moment of Inertia of the point times the angular acceleration. 

Mike thought to himself. He is a quick learner. But he has a difficulty in memorising things. 

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