Chapter - 2

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Chapter - 2


          Modern man likes to pretend that his thinking is wide-awake. But this wide-awake thinking has led us into the mazes of a nightmare in which the torture chambers are endlessly repeated in the mirrors of reason.

                                                                                  -Octavio Paz, The Labyrinth Of Solitude ch. 9.


Mike Leon awoke at 10.10 pm. He just had a bad feeling, like something bad is going to happen soon. His recent dream did not help him either. The one peculiar thing about this dream is that it felt awfully real, like it was happening right then and he was present right there to witness it.

He dreamt about a long hallway, more like a corridor, it was really black, cold against his feet. Mike could feel the cold emanating from the black marble his feet were on. His ears cannot hear a thing, not a sound...silence, a deadly silence...the kind of silence the predator makes before attacking the prey.

On either side of the corridor was a row of weird creatures that looked like an eagle-goat-crocodile hybrid a mad scientist got wrong in one of his genetic experiments. He had no idea what those are, but he had a feeling in his gut that it is real, the eagle-goat-croc hybrid still lives to this day and it could easily fly with its disproportionate wings.

What the HELL is this place?

This feels really Creepy!

"Hello?" He tried to shout into the black void that engulfed him. His mouth opened, his lips moved with synchronisation, his tongue easily touched his teeth, but only one crucial thing was missing...his voice. He felt hopeless, sure, in real life he did not talk much, he was very shy...shy of his light stutter. Here, in his dream it should be by his rules.

I Must Speak! It is MY dream!

He heard a thin echo in his ears "Not Anymore Mike". He tried in vain to find its source.

Mike felt his legs move forward, he couldn't even control his legs! He felt totally powerless. He felt like a prisoner in his own body. As he was moving forward, he noticed something in the distance, to him it looks like a ball of light, only its top half was above the floor of the cold,dark marble corridor,  but little did he know what it really was.

He felt his feet go even closer to the hemisphere of light. Right when he was about five metres from the hemisphere he saw a man sitting in a throne, and it looked like he was suddenly illuminated by the light.

That man wore a kind of a Fedora hat that covered his face from the light. Mike could only see his square, heavyset square jawline with a neatly trimmed, close cut beard. On Further observation, Mike could see that his beard had a streak of white below his mouth. On the whole, He looked like a mean guy who could take on anyone with his bear hands. He sported well maintained abs, pectorals and biceps that showed through his close fitting black shirt with a weird symbol covering his body.

Though that was just a dream, Mike felt goosebumps in his arms. That man spoke with a breathy whisper, his voice coarse and intimidating. His voice spoke with a kind of confidence he could not place, but it did not sound welcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2012 ⏰

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