Cody X reader - Dancing

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Damn my writing is so much better at night. JadeOchnio CONNORsmith6502 ~ Sabrinna
(D/c) - Dress color

It was (y/n)'s junior year spring dance.
They hated every second of it.
The buzz had gone around the school for weeks before this day. Whispers of who was taking who, what everyone was wearing, and frankly, (Y/n) was over it. They didn't know why they'd even bothered to show up. They had no date, their outfit was pretty, but not as stunning as say Heather and Alejandro's, and the friends they came with were out on the floor slow dancing.
So they sat, waiting to get picked up an hour from then and watched their classmates stand in the gym, swaying to trashy pop and drinking punch with no definitive flavor.
While scanning the crowd they noticed a shorter boy who they recognized as cody, a kid in their 5th period math class, getting shot down by one of the popular girls. Gwen, they thought her name was. (Y/n) watched as the boy walked away, seeming dejected. They felt bad for him, really. They'd always seen him as sweet and even thought he was pretty cute, so to see him get turned down was a tad bit shocking to (y/n). They contemplated for a moment as a slow song came on. They pushed themselves up from the bench they sat on and made their way over to him from across the gym. Her (F/c) jacket swayed on their back as they walked towards him and stopped at his side. Cody looked up at them, confused. "Hey," they started. "I'm (Y/n), I'm in your math class..." they said. He nodded. "Yeah I know, what's up?" He asked. "Well, I was wondering it you'd... I dunno, wanna dance?" They asked hopefully. Cody looked shocked for a moment before nodding eagerly. "Yeah! Uh, for sure!" He said getting up and following them to the center of the gym. The song only had a minute or so left but that was enough for them. Cody took one of their hands in his and placed the other one awkwardly on their waist. (Y/n) rested their other arm on his shoulder, which was easy due to their height difference.
"You know, I didn't know you knew who I was." Cody commented as the two shuffled in circles. (Y/n) raised a brow. "What do you mean?"
"Like, I knew who you were. I see you in math everyday, and I always try to go talk to you but I never get the chance. I didn't know you even knew my name." He admitted. They smiled down at him. "Dude, how could I not know you? You're the cutest guy in that class, I just never knew how to approach you without seeming weird." (Y/n) laughed silently to themself. Cody chuckled slightly. "Oh trust me, I'm not intimidating at all." He said. "Well, guess I'm making up for lost time."
The song ended and they pulled away from eachother. "Well, I don't have anyone else to hang with until 11, so mind kicking it with me for the rest of this thing?" (Y/n) asked. Cody accepted gratefully and they spent the rest of the night laughing and dancing with eachother.
They both ended their spring dance with a new friend and a new number in their phones.

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