Noah X reader - Lucky

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I've re-written this so many times, whoops! I really think Noah relationships would be really subtle but cute so that's what I went with ~ Sabrinna


(Y/n) walked slowly to the lunch room, their bag hanging off of their shoulders. (Y/n) just got out of a history exam and they were far from confidant about their grade. They didn't know any of the questions and was not looking forward to getting their mark back.
The cafeteria was packed as usual, and the lunch line was much too long for their liking. They walked over to their regular table and sat next to Noah.
"Hey (Y/n)!" Owen said, smiling. "How was your big exam?" He asked. They placed their head on the table and groaned. "Oh. So not good?" Noah asked. "No!" They said. "I didn't know anything on that goddamn test." Their voice was muffled by their arms and the table. Noah patted their back comfortingly. "It's okay, you'll get 'em next time." He said. (Y/n) sighed and sat up. "I guess."
"This is why you should've studied with us." Noah said, giving them a slight smirk. "Yeah, yeah. You told me so." They said sadly. Noah frowned and touched their hand on the table. "Hey, I'll help you study next time. You've got time to up your grade." He said, smiling kindly at them. Owen awed from his seat across the table. "You guys are so cute!"
(Y/n) smiled and laughed softly. "Thank you." They said, leaning over and leaving a small kiss on Noahs cheek. Noah blushed. "Speaking of cute," (y/n) said. "Where's Izzy?" They asked. Owen deflated slightly. "Still at that science program out of town. She'll be back next week." He said sadly. "I'm really happy for her but I also miss her a real lot."
(Y/n) Smiled sadly at him. "It's okay big guy, she'll be back." They said. Owen took a bite out of his sandwich and (Y/n)'s stomach growled. Noah seemed to notice their longing gaze at the food on Owens tray and and slided an apple from his own tray towards them. "You need to stop skipping lunch, it's not good for you." He said. (Y/n) took a bite into the apple and smiled, satisfied. "I know, the lines just so long!" They whined. "Then bring something from home." Noah suggested. They shrugged. "I'll start bringing something." They said.
The bell rung a few minutes later and the three of them got up to leave. "What do you guys have next?" Owen asked. "Bio, Noah?" They asked. "Chem." He stated. Owen groaned. "I have P.E." he said. (Y/n) winced. "Ouch, good luck." Owen threw his tray in the bin and saluted jokingly. "It was great working with you both." He said before scurrying down the hall. Noah chuckled softly. "Well, 5 minute bell rung, walk with me?" (Y/n) asked. Noah nodded, shouldering his bag. "You're lucky our classes are so close together or you'd be hiking it alone everyday." He smirked. (Y/n) laughed. "Yeah, because I'm SO lucky to have you following me around all day." They said sarcasticly.
"Hey, I'm the sarcastic one here," he said. "And don't act like you don't love me." He said jokingly. (Y/n) sighed dramatically. "Sadly."
They took his hand gently and they made their way to their classes.

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