Grandmother: A remembrance

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My Grandma had a very

distinct laugh.

Hearing it in later years evoked

memories of time with her – in her

home, cozy and quaint. A living room

full of interesting things to see,

A cuckoo clock, with its bird

peeking out, chiming in a

dependable fashion.

That wondrous laugh,

bringing with it that feeling

of being "at Grandmas house,"

a sacred time,

that children understand in their hearts.

Of Bushes outside, that little boys and girls

could run through,

and pour forth imagination in the

chill air.

Of letters with stickers,

oh, glorious stickers,

that were placed with

loving hands.

Stickers flooding the envelope,

like the love flooding the heart,

of a matron who gave it all

for the family she loved.

That distinct laugh,

is still in my mind,

and her voice saying my name,

with a musical quality.

I treasure the time, as

a young adult,

I had the privilege of driving her to the


and we watched a film,

silly and fun.

And now,

see me as a married man,

sitting at Mimi's restaurant,

with my wife,

across from my aunt and

my Grandma,

enjoying a hearty meal.

And now, see her enjoying a meal

at that heavenly banquet,

with tastes,

and sounds

and sights we can

only imagine.

And she holds in her hands, a golden parchment,

with stickers of the images of

her children, grandchildren, and all her relatives,

lovingly placing all of them,

and sending the letter to Jesus,

telling him how much she loves him.

And then she sits down once more,

at that heavenly banquet,

with her sister and her mother,

and graces the halls of heaven,

with that distinct, joyous laugh.

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