Lackluster Epiphany

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Lackluster Epiphany

You know the moment

We have all had it

A spark somewhere in the heart or brain

An instant of eyes widening

In response

To an understanding

A moment

When truth makes a connection

with our essence.

But what good is a light bulb

over the head, if it provides

No further illumination

than a second of realization?

What good is a spark,

if it does not create

a fire of wisdom

that burns to light the way

on the dark streets of

our indecision?

Why do I let those moments

of realization simply serve

as Brain Endorphins,

a "Feel-Good" burst of Mental

Joy that lasts only as long as

it takes my mind to think of

tomorrows schedule.

Let me dwell

on the Truths

revealed in my mind.

Let me savor them,

like morsels for the

starving soul.

Let me chew on them,

digest them,

and make them

a part of me.

Let every word my

eyes take in from

scriptures' truth...

Let every sound

my ears take in

from God-breathed sermons...

Let every bit of

well thought out advice

from Godly men and women...

all act as building blocks,

little at a time,

to add to the structure of

who I am,

how I act,

and the decisions I make.

For my growth does not depend solely on

the Epiphany,

But rather steadfast and daily dedication

to the Truth.

Let me not live simply

for mind-blowing concepts

reduced to momentary memes...

but let me linger on the truth of God,

and let it soak into the soil of my


growing sturdy Trees of Doctrine

deep within the recesses of my being.

That way, I won't find myself saying,

"That sure was a great sermon today!"

and then moving on to lunch without another

thought of it.

Let there be

no Lackluster Epiphany

Let there only be

daily Growth with the rich knowledge and wisdom

God continually makes available.

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