Nine _ secret fears,

162 31 3

Dedicated to @tiiwatope

Max took another look at the voter's card in his hands. Her hair weren't as full as it were now but it had been healthier than his sister's. The glow in her oblong face highly noticeable. Even the portrait showed a hint of a smile at the corners of her mouth and her eyes held a spark to them.

After their last encounter, he had torn down the net in search for information about her but it yielded nothing interesting. Her story had been followed till about four years ago and then nothing was heard about her till the death of her father. But even at that, those eyes had lost it spark before then. He felt drawn to her case, just as he had at first to Belinda, his first wife.


"Sorry sir." she bent to pick the pieces of the broken vase.

"Damn it girl, you're as clumsy as hell. Who the hell signed you to the agency," he looked away from the television.

"I'm sorry sir, I'll just... Ouch!" she yelped as a piece pricked her finger.

"Clumsy and stupid, that's what you are." He hissed making his way out of the sitting room. "Make sure you don't stain my rug, they cost more than your annual income."

Few hours to midnight he woke up with a burning. His bed was wet with perspiration and his body felt like a baker's oven. Using the intercom by his side, he'd hardly said a word before going on a puking spree. His cook was by his side in minutes and one hour later he'd been properly attended to and tucked in bed after his doctor's arrival.

On recovering he offered her a day off which she nicely rejected to his shock.

"You're seriously not taking a day off," he gave a puzzled look.

"No thank you sir, I'm better off being here." she stared at her shoes.


She shook her head.

"What did you say name was?" he scrutinized her.

"Belinda sir, Nwankwo Belinda," she answered not taking her eyes off her shoes.

"Fine. You may go, just don't...drop things around. That flower vase cost ten thousand dollars.

She jerked her head immediately with her mouth hanging open. "Sir. Sir...I..."

"You what?"

"I need..." she pointed to herself and then at him before picking at the hem of her apron.

"Great. Now you're dumb." He ripped off a chocolate wrapper.

"Sir I need your help," the words rushed out her mouth. "Please sir my family is in trouble and only you can help us." She fell on her knees with an open floodgate of tears.

"And now I'm a detective."


"Welcome ma," he heard his cook voice from the drawing room.

He's latest project was here, so much for staying away from the ladies.

He placed the voters card back in the purse before sliding it down his pocket. He'd use it as a leverage; if she didn't play fair, so will he.
With quiet steps he reached the drawing room, pausing at the doorway to feed his eyes.

She had a white sleeved shirt tucked in her lemon palazzo. Her hair was braided in side cornrows packed into a bun. Her rich hair complimenting her ebony skin brilliantly. Not to forget her signature nose stud which gave her a little bit of a wild girl look.

Another look at her in his sofa almost got him laughing.
"Mehn!" She luckily escaped dwarfism, she wasn't that short though but compared to his stature she was, a stamp. He couldn't believe she was twenty-four, she looked so young, beautiful and ripe for eating.

"I take staring to be your hobby," she looked up.

"Nah, just imagining what my son would look like."

She exhaled, "I am never going to carry your baby Maxwell."

"Never say never," he smilled. "Come on, let's get out of here." He dangled his keys.

"Where are we going? We didn't discuss that," she eyed him.

"Do I need permission to take my girlfriend on a date."

"Save it Maxwell," she scoffed. "You're beginning to make me think you planned this."

"I'll always choose my TV over you." He stated factually.

She nodded as she picked her bag. She'd also done a research on him looking for a way to opt out before it was too late. As always, there was not a dirty story on him, not a single one and that scared the wits out of her. The last deal she had with a clean man didn't ended well.

"Fine." She walked after him.

He went before her, narrowly slamming the door in her face.

"Geez! Disaster on day one." her shoulders dropped.


"Where's this place?" she asked the moment they arrived a parking lot.

"It's called Maryland City mall." He rolled his eyes. "Do you ever get out?"

"Uhm! Sometimes." She shrugged. "With my friends." she added.

"Yeah, like you do that everyday." He clicked his tongue. "Wait here." He commanded as he alighted and came to open the passenger's door.

"Show off," she muttered.

"Off course, don't want the blogs hungry for our day one activity."

They went sightseeing for a while, both pondering on their individual thoughts before she broke the silence.

"Can we stop this charade. We've taken a good tour and I'm sure Linda Ikeji is having a traffic right now. Can I have my purse back?"

"Not yet. I'm still waiting for your reply. And it might please you that I already ordered Funmi's MacBook."

"You did what?" she screamed.

"I happened to stumble on one certain Olubankole Funmi's page on Instagram and I saw the picture she posted of the product tagging 'big sister' to sort it out. As a nice and gentle guy, I saw it fit to send a dm assuring her of, you know." He winked. "Jumia should it deliver by tomorrow."

"Whaat!!!" she made a fainting gesture. "I swear I'm going to kill her after your burial." She chased after a laughing Maxwell.

They ran around for minutes creating positive attention as all eyes were on them. People updating their feeds simultaneously.

In minutes she toppled at a boutique's stairway with a hand clasped tightly over her chest. Her laboured breathing accompanied by wheezing and coughing. The sight had him running to her in seconds as he cradled her in his arms.

He hadn't known of her medical condition. Fortunately they were few people at that part of the mall and a drug store was two shops away. He ran to the drugstore with her in his arms, muttering calming words and telling her to take it slow.

"Help me here," he screamed as she went limp in his arms.

What!! I don't understand too. She's asthmatic..😥😥😥


We made it to the 3rd round of the Open Novella Contest. Happy Cheers people.

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