Sixteen_ to amend.

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"What did I miss?" a tall male with short ruffled hair came in accosted by the detective. His glasses covering every bit of his eyes.

"Nothing apparently Mr Daniels," Kunle extended a hand.

"Please call me Lowry," he shook hands with him aided by the detective.

"So you're -" Maxwell made to pounce on him.

"Hey." the detective held him in place. "I think you have to hear him out first."

"Please take a seat," Kunle offered, doing same. "I already explained the obvious to them but..." he frowned at Max lack of display of character, "Max here will have my neck if he doesn't get the full explanation."

"Oh!" Lowry squinted at Max towering size. "I'm sorry my eyesight isn't perfect anymore. You may want to move back a little, please."

He jammed his hands in his front pocket, his hips jutting out as he rested against the wall. "I'm listening."

"After Signor lost the game he met with Martinez to hire his goon for the operation. Unfortunately Martinez chose me to help out and Signor never took no for an answer. We started the deal till the night of the Seniorita when I got a call to exit immediately. Unfortunately the recording started the minute we passed through the corridors.

Two months later I heard Martinez, hated the fact of having a darky, rumor said it reminded him of a ruckus years back. To shorten it all, I found out he had been on the lookout for any darky like you, he remembered you perfectly and wanted revenge.

Max shifted his stance.

When he found out you were married, he got her out of the game. The second was because you asked too much questions, always nailing bad guys."

"And Tania?" Obiora gruffly asked.

Lowry head jerked to the position the voice had come from. "Not everyone liked the relationship lady too. Some smart people were able to pull a challenge game, follow it up and get things done. You should never have changed the gateman."

"How the hell do you know all this things?" Max clenched and unclenched his fists.

"Because," he removed his glass. "the girl you ditched at that party commited suicide and she was Martinez cousin." His expression hardened.

"Darn," colour drained off Max's face, "the guy who stood up for her."

"Same one."

"What's going on here?" Obiora demanded. "What is going on?"

"Your friend," Lowry explained, "publicly embarrassed Martinez cousin, including acting rough with him. Sadly she never recovered from that rejection as she was found in the lake two days later with a note 'nobody loves me'."

"I was drunk."

"Not enough reason to stop him from hunting you down."

"So what now?" Max ran his hands over his head.

"He never attacks the same person thrice, he believes twice is enough luck. You should be lucky he's got his eyes off you, though I won't say same for the people who hate your show. Me especially." Lowry rose slowly from the chair. "My life is now at stake, well I'm dying anyway. Leukemia got me down for good this time."

"If that's all, your car is waiting." the detective assisted him out.

Maxwell's face contorted as the duo made their way out. His mouth set in a hard line as the thought of his loss dawned on him. He couldn't believe being the architect of his misfortunes. Years of worry and anger finally turning to guilt as he processed the information. How had he missed the signs?

"Wait," Maxwell asked out of the blue. "How did you know so much?"

"I've confessed my crimes to the Italian police, they're presently out there. Some things...are better left unsaid." Lowry gave a thight smile as he stepped out.


Two weeks later.

Out of the corner of her eye, Tania saw Maxwell standing few feet away from her hospital bed.
Debby had relayed the information the minute she could sit unaided.

"I'll...I'll be back," he stuttered.

"Please stay, I can't handle this on my own. I'm scared," tears brimmed down her eyes.

A pang of guilt caught his eyes as he turned away from her, "There are things I need to take care of," he lied.

"I don't care Maxwell. All I want is the father of my child safe with me. I don't care about my job, I don't care about the damn coaching thing." She trudged after him. "I love you Maxwell, and that's more than enough for me." She whispered holding tightly to the sleeve of his shirt.

"What have you done to me woman?" He raised her head, meeting her eyes with his. Her eyes bore no lies. The desire, want and love highly visible for all to see. "What have you done to me," he carresed her cheek with his thumb.

"Softened your heart, like you did mine," tears shimmered in her eyes.

"Are you serious about earlier? You'll leave that pretend job for me?"

"Over and over again Max. And you can ditch the wig and gown. Painting your hearts out." a tear slipped down her face.

He wiped her tears with the flick of his tumb. A hand brushing the top of her hair while another behind her back. He looked at her softly, noting her eyes turning dim. He exhaled softly as he halted few inches from her face.

"Can you part with the nose thing? It won't bode well on my son."

"Or daughter," she gave a lopsided grin.

"Or daughter," he chuckled.

In two seconds the ring came off her nose. Her eyes sparkling with hope anew.

Her eyes twinkled as his pupils dilated. A flush crept up her face as he chewed on his bottom lips- the high and mighty Barrister Maxwell was too chicken to initiate a kiss.

"Can...can I...ehm..." he looked upwards.

"Gosh Max, will you kiss me now or I punch you in the face." she balled her fist.

"Yes my lady." He took possession of her mouth as the two of them became one.

The End.

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Thanks lovers, My ONC entry is COMPLETE.

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