five // unusual

151 13 0

"Do things for people not because of
who they are or what they do in return,
but because of who you are"
Harold S. Kushner

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Frantically keeping her class materials, Yein bundled them into her arms and called out to Eunseo and Youngtaek, "I've got to rush off! See you tomorrow!"

"Okay! See you!"

She had just finished the class of one of her core modules for the semester and because her professor decided to overrun class by forty-five minutes (yes, a full forty-five minutes), she was now late for her group meeting for her elective class. She still had to grab dinner.

Argh. Forget dinner. No time for that.

Yein was feeling especially more stressed because it was in this elective that she was grouped with people that she knew were nice, and hence, she wanted to be of much help to them. They have had a couple of meetings so far and she was still feeling that she had trouble fitting in.

In so much of a hurry, Yein ended up tripping over her own foot, dropping her books in the process. Rebuking herself internally, she bent down and began picking them up. Thankfully her laptop was safe for she had held it tightly enough.

"You can slow down, you know."

Raising her head, her gaze followed the book a metre away travel from the floor and into someone's arms. Jeon Jungkook's. He was bent down as well, helping her retrieve her fallen books.

"And aren't you carrying too many things in your hands?"

"Ah, I had a full day of classes so I didn't have time to go back and forth from hostel."

Yein stood up and reached her hands outward, wanting to take her books from him but Jungkook shook his head. He turned on his heels and began walking ahead, cradling them in his arms.

"Does that mean you haven't eaten?"

Yein pressed her lips together and remained silent for a while, hesitant to answer because while she very much wanted to lie, she knew he'd probably realise that it wasn't the truth either way.

"Mmm, I haven't," Yein answered slowly. "Last meal was lunch at twelve thirty."

Jungkook looked at her with an expression she understood as shock even though it wasn't so obvious because he was still kind of emotionless. "Even though it's already seven thirty?! Aren't you hungry?"

Shrugging, she replied with a pained smile as if to say that it couldn't be helped. Typically one could snack in class but her professors were pretty strict. Her friends, Eunseo and Youngtaek, and herself, gobbled down some biscuits between classes, banking on them to last the day.

"Then I guess we can't meet in the library."

Yein's jaw dropped open. She didn't want to be a burden and yet here they were, considering that they couldn't meet in the library.

"The cafeteria would be too noisy..." Jungkook began verbalising his thoughts. "I guess we could use one of the meeting rooms around Solbin's archi studio. We can takeaway or order in some food too."

Turning his head back to look at Yein, Jungkook asked, "that's okay, right?"

She shut her mouth and nodded. She so badly wanted to shrink and disappear right there and then. The elevator dinged open and as the both of them got in, Jungkook pulled out his phone to send a text to inform the others.


"Uwah!!" Solbin and Jangjun leaned back in their chairs to stretch.

"That's a wrap!" Mingyu happily saved the document and closed his laptop. "Good job everyone."

Yein, too, stretched out her legs, feeling her body was dead stiff from sitting for so long. They had been at their assignment for more than four hours and at last they were done.

To be honest, she was feeling a little sad. It was a lot of fun working with them and they were extremely accommodating. To think that the group assignment had come to an end made her somewhat disappointed that they wouldn't have a reason to meet anymore.

"This probably isn't the end though. You know how Prof Kang loves to give out group assignments."

Yein's ears perked up upon hearing that information. Feeling relieved, she smiled. "At least it's fun to work with you guys," she unknowingly expressed her thoughts aloud.

"Aww Yein!" all of them said (with the exception of Jungkook, of course).

"I love working with you too!" Solbin piped gleefully and playfully gave her a hug.

"Alright alright. Let's call it a day," Jungkook interrupted as he led them to begin packing up.


As they waved goodbye to the others who stayed in a different block, Jungkook and Yein continued towards their hostel.

She had only recently found out that Jungkook stayed in her block and was actually Taehyung's roommate. She assumed otherwise when she didn't see him at their block orientation, to which he said he couldn't be bothered to attend.

Trailing behind him, Yein had her eyes fixed on her shoes. Even though it wasn't the first time they were walking together, she still had difficulty getting used to it. After all, she had that gut feeling from before that she couldn't shake off. It didn't help that he was presently helping her carry half of her mountain of books.

The sound of the shuffling of his footsteps gradually faded away, causing her to pause and look up. They had reached the lift, which came almost immediately.

When the elevator doors opened at the fourth floor, Yein turned to Jungkook. But before she could ask him to hand the books to her, he walked out of the lift.

Puzzled, she quickly went after him.

"Um, sunbae, you can just pass me the books..."

Stopping in his tracks, Jungkook didn't say anything but instead gestured her to walk forward. He didn't know which was her room. Giving in with a muted whine, Yein passed him and headed towards her room.

Yein fumbled for her card and scanned the door. Hurriedly kicking her shoes off, she dumped the things in her hand on her bed (which was nearest to the door) while keeping her leg extended to prevent the door from closing. Spinning around, she held her hands outstretched as Jungkook handed her the remaining books.

Books in hand and backpack still carried, she leaned against the door to hold it open. Giving a short bow, she thanked him.

"Sorry for the trouble."

"Nah, it's okay," Jungkook replied. He gave a small wave and turned to leave.

"Oh Jungkook?" someone called from the corridor.

Poking her head out of her room with her books still in hand (oh come on Yein, you can put them down already), she saw from afar, Sujeong and Taehyung walking towards her room. Dropping the books onto the bed together with the rest, she put down her backpack and used it as a door stopper.

Peeking out again, she excitedly waved to her next door neighbour (and her maybe boyfriend). After which, she began sorting out the mess on her bed, uninterested and not bothered by what could have possibly been going on outside along the corridor.


"Why are you here?" both Sujeong and Taehyung questioned Jungkook.

"We just finished out assignment meeting," he answered.

It was an answer but evidently, both his friends were not satisfied. Because obviously, even though they had just finished a meeting, there was no reason for Jungkook to send Yein back to her doorstep.

"And?" Sujeong emphasised curiously, arms folded.

Not seeming to get her hint, Jungkook replied casually, "she had a lot of stuff to carry so I just helped her back."

"Ahhh..." she eyed him suspiciously.

"Enough Jeong," Taehyung nudged her. "I'll head back with Jungkook."

"Fineee. See ya."

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