six // unaware

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"People have motives and thoughts
of which they are unaware."
Albert Ellis

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"So why were you on the fourth floor?"

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a puzzled expression. He had just come back from his shower and with his towel still over his head, was about to get to work. Plopping down on his bed by the study table, he started setting up his laptop.

"Like I said, she had a lot of things to carry. And since we're in the same block, it's not a hassle to stop by a different floor."

"Hmm," Taehyung hummed as he nodded his head. "But you usually can't be bothered about these kind of things."

Still busy taking his notes and papers out, Jungkook asked, "what do you mean?"

Jumping off his bed, Taehyung scrambled over and dived onto his friend's bed. In response, Jungkook simply stood up and moved over to his chair, unfazed. Opening his laptop, he began to access his course website for the work he needed to do.

Propping his head up on his hand, the older boy laid sideways, staring at Jungkook.

"Jungkook ah."


"What do you think of Yein?"

"Huh?" He continued typing away at his keyboard. "I don't really get where this is going."

Heaving a sigh, Taehyung tried to think of the best way to get through to his friend who more often than not, had trouble expressing himself. It resulted in several failed attempts to get him attached (where Taehyung and Sujeong had been actively trying to hook him up with their friends).

"You weren't very nice to her in the beginning, right?"

Spending a short moment to think, he nodded, "yeah, I wasn't."

"Why was that so?"

Jungkook stopped clicking his mouse. He tried to recall back when he first met her and why he was so reserved when he first knew she was Sujeong's neighbour. When she began hanging out with his friends more, the feeling slowly went away.

Giving a shrug, he went back to his computer. "I don't know. Maybe because she doesn't remember?"

Taehyung sprung up. "Remember what?"

The auditorium resounded in a loud applause. Numerous students and excited parents filled the place. Jungkook wasn't part of the crowd. Instead, he was backstage in his performance outfit feeling slightly nervous.

Fumbling to open the water bottle, he ended up dropping it. As he bent down to pick it up, a small hand intercepted. As the bottle released a snapping sound from being opened, the person whom the small hands belonged to, handed it to him.

"Take a few deep breaths to relax. You'll be fine." The girl flashed a kind smile before turning to go for it was her turn to go on stage.

He watched as the curls in hair bobbed gently with each step she took. He could tell they had been artificially curled for he recognised her to always have had rather straight hair. The white satin of her costume swayed and danced with each movement she made, and was even more beautiful when she performed.

Looking at the bottle in his hand, he smiled as he placed it on the table. Taking a deep breath before walking to the stage, he told himself quietly, "it's the last performance. You'll do fine."

"You were mad that she didn't recognise you?"

"Mad? No I wasn't!" Jungkook retorted.

"Hehh. So you two met before. But she doesn't recall."

"Mmm. I guess so."

"Is that why she bothers you?"

At Jungook's raised eyebrow, Taehyung continued, "y'know, makes you wanna help her, take care of her."

Taehyung would have wanted to use the word 'interest' but he knew Jungkook would refute it, insisting he wasn't interested in Yein. Sometimes you need to spell it out for him and yet you can't.

Tilting his head from one side to the other as he thought, Jungkook eventually answered, "I'm not sure. Maybe?"

"Okay, got it," Taehyung said as he got off the bed. "I'm heading to Sujeong's."

Giving him a face, Jungkook asked, "weren't y'all together just now?!"

All he got was a flashy smile and subsequently, a closed door.

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook sighed and shifted his attention back to his work.


Knock knock.

Sujeong raised her head at the sound of someone at the door. Slightly annoyed for she was in the midst of studying, she got up to open it. Upon seeing who was at her doorstep, she let out a huge sigh.

"Why are you here? I told you I have to study!"

Raising his hands defensively, he apologised. "I came cause I think you'd like to hear what I'm going to tell you." Pointing at her books, he asked, "or would you like to continue studying instead?"

Looking from Taehyung to her books, back to him and then to her books. Sujeong groaned in frustration as she pointed at him and said firmly, "you have five minutes."

"Call." (A/N: They like to say 'call' in Korea but if you want it to be English, 'deal' is actually what it means.)

Sitting on the floor while Sujeong sat on her bed, Taehyung started, "there's a high chance that Jungkook is interested in Yein--. Wait scrape that. There is a high chance he could be interested in Yein."

Scrunching up her face, she asked, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, he seems to be caring about her more."

"Because he helped her carry her stuff today?"

"More than that. You remember what Mingyu told you? About how Jungkook asked Yein to be in their group assignment?"

Sujeong nodded. "True. That was the most suspicious one so far. A typical Jungkook wouldn't care."

"Plus," Taehyung whispered and leaned forward. "They met before. In high school."


"Yeah, he remembers her but Yein doesn't seem to recall."

Making a face, Sujeong sighed, "I can totally see that coming from Yein, she is extremely blur and oblivious." Turning back to face him, she questioned, "so?"

"So... we should help them."

"But we don't know how Yein feels."

"And that's what you should find out."

Snapping her fingers, she accepted the challenge and they both had a rather creepy smile on their faces.

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