epilogue // hold on

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"Beauty begins the moment
you decide to be yourself."
Coco Chanel

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"Oh woah, what was that man?"

Jungkook frowned at the situation with his arms folded across his chest. Jangjun, who had verbally expressed his frustration, was by his side.

They had just witnessed three unknown guys trying to pick Yein up and from her expression and actions, Jungkook could tell that she was utterly annoyed. Compared to that though, he could feel himself raging inside.

"Are you not gonna do anything bro?"

"Do what?"

"Teach those idiots a good lesson, of course," Jangjun raged, barely remembering to control his volume. Changing back to a hushed mutter, he asked, "aren't you gonna confess to Yein?"

When his friend didn't respond, Jangjun simply shook his head and said while watching Yein happily chat with her group. "If you don't do anything soon, you're probably going to regret it."

"You know that right?" he said as he put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. Giving it a pat, he left to rejoin his own group.

Jungkook continued watching as Yein laughed and fooled around with Yoojung and Dayoung. Eyeing the three guys who approached her, he wondered what he should do.


Although Jungkook had been trying his best to enjoy the after-party, he couldn't help but be filled with anger when he saw the constant wooing Yein was getting. He saw one guy, obviously quite drunk, approach their table. He had been observing the whole night and he knew this guy had his eye on her.

"Noona," the guy began with a disgusting smirk on his face. "If you cannot down this, you'll be my girl. If you can," he raised his hands, "I'll not touch you anymore."

The hell. Jungkook cursed in his mind. As he had been watching the guy's every move, he roughly knew what was mixed in that glass. And he knew that Yein wouldn't be able to drink that.

Such a childish move.

"How does that sound?" he asked. "I mean, noona, you're tough and all. So if it's this, you can handle it right?"

He saw how Yein glared at the guy, feeling her tolerance reaching its limit. He knew tough as she was, she was one who'd dive into the challenge. And that was something he wasn't gonna let her do.

Jungkook was about to tell her not to bother when the guy suddenly started talking again.

"Ah. If not, I can drink it, and it'll obviously mean you lose. And you're mine."

That was it. He snapped. Jungkook immediately rose from his seat and walked over. Standing between them, he purposely blocked Yein from the guy's view. Feeling heat rising inside, he breathed deeply to calm himself down.

"Ah, so if someone else drinks it, it'll be okay?"

"A-ah. Sunbaenim?"

Confidently grabbing hold of the glass, Jungkook began to chug the drink down. The bitterness stung and it was probably the adrenaline that helped him not give up.

Shoving the now empty mug into the guy's hand, Jungkook leaned over and said in a low voice, "next time, don't try and own someone. They're not 'things' for grabs, hoobae."

Turning around, Jungkook noticed Yein looking at him with eyes filled with worry. He wanted to smile; to tell her he was alright, that she didn't need to wear such a worried expression. She looked like she was about to say something and he was waiting for it when the guy interrupted.

"What the hell, sunbaenim. Who are you to even take on the challenge?! It was between me and Yein noona!"

Turning his head around with a menacing glare, Jungkook growled, "who am I?"

I'm someone who knows her way better than you, idiot.

"It's not like you're dating her or anything right?"

Jungkook blinked. His anger subsided a great deal and in place of it, he slightly frowned as he genuinely began thinking.

Yein and him becoming an item wasn't something he had really thought of. He was contented with their friendship; with her by his side. When he found out they were paired up for the duet, he was excited. When he found out they were group leaders together, he was glad.

However, maybe it wasn't that he didn't think of the possibly but rather, that he had been putting it off. Some part of him knew that he was avoiding it because he was afraid to screw up down the road. He had seen so many relationships start off well but end up badly. Being able to hit off well doesn't mean you'll be able to keep that dynamic throughout the journey.

He thought that by doing so, he was able to protect the friendship with Yein. He thought they could remain the way they were forever. Yet now, he realised that it was something he couldn't control. New people were bound to enter their lives and there was no guarantee that Yein would stay by his side.

I guess I really got to hold on now.

Shrugging his shoulders, he answered, "maybe?"

A U T H O R ' S   N O T E S

Hello and thank you so much for reading this story! This story was written (as previously mentioned) with lots of pauses and I apologise for the long period recently that I stopped publishing. The chapters were written but I lost the rhythm in posting them.

Here's where I'll like to call this, uh, the end of season one. For one, I wasn't sure where to direct the next stage to and two, I didn't want to dive into it without a concrete plan.

Soooooooo... let's wait and hope for season two to come out? Hahaha.

That aside, in conjunction with the end of this season, I released a new (long) oneshot of jungkook x yein story! Hehe. Don't say I didn't deprive y'all of stories! Titled 소중한 그대에게 / For You, My Precious.

Thank you, and see ya!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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