Chapter 1

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(please watch this before reading this chapter is heavily supported by these audio tapes)

“I’m just saying that he didn’t seem that bad the more I spoke to him” the scarlet haired woman said to her husband as he injected her spinal area with Nano tech

“you’re giving him to much credit Barbra, he almost destroyed the whole city for crying out loud” the third Robin spoke as he cleaned away a small blotch of blood on the small of his wife’s back “I mean cmon he also kidnapped you an—”

Tim Drake was interrupted as Barbra stood up and walked to a wall in the clock tower “he protected me from crane when he was about to inject me with an almost lethal dose of his fear toxin” Barbra said as a secret door opened to reveal her batsuit, changing into it she continued to speak “if it wasn’t for Jason I’d either be a potato like crane or I’d be buried next to Jason’s empty grave...” she trailed off with her words

“Barbra he’s a lost cause, whatever the joker did to him messed him up big time, I mean he almost killed...  Bruce multiple times” Tim felt bad talking about their mentor, it had been months since the world found out Bruce Wayne is Batman and since he and Alfred both died in the explosion

Barbra now batgirl turned to Tim “you haven’t even seen the tapes have you?” The confused look she earned from her husband confirmed her question, she walked to her laptop but the inside of the clock tower shifted into her base of operations as Oracle, a drug deal to a bunch of kids had gone bad and RedHood was beating the dealers to death

“we’ll continue this later babe we gotta stop RedHood” Tim said as he dawned his cowl, he had transitioned to red Robin once Dick Grayson had dawned the bat cowl. Both batgirl and Red Robin got out of the clock tower and glided in the direction of where the computer said the RedHood was.

This was a weird feeling for Barbra to be in the cowl again, ever since she had been crippled she had always dreamed of gliding around the city again and now her dreams have become a reality thanks to Lucius Fox. Batgirl and Red Robin landed on a rooftop across from where RedHood should be, suddenly


Batgirl and Red Robin both looked in the direction of the gunshots and they saw RedHood racing away on a Harley Davidson motorcycle,, well a very modified cruiser Harley Davidson

“check the bodies, I’ll go after hood” Red Robin ordered batgirl and started running in the direction of the motorcycle

Bat girl didn’t argue and she knew why her husband told her to check the bodies, even though she just started walking again she can still fight... ‘Can I?’ She thought

Red Robin had followed RedHood to an abandoned warehouse on bleak Island, he snuck in threw an air vent, it was a pretty clean air vent, like it had just been installed

“you know if an air vent is clean it’s probably trapped right Drake?” RedHoods voice sounded from below, his robotic voice echoed throughout the warehouse

Red Robin froze in his tracks as the vent fell straight to the ground and shattered like glass, he rolled to his back and groaned loudly “who the hell is Drake?” he said acting like he didn’t know who The RedHood was referring to

“oh don’t pay stupid to me Tim, you’re meant to be one of the ‘smartest’ out of the family” RedHoods robotic voice seemed to turn more dark with each word

As Red Robin stood up and looked around RedHood came out of the shadows twirling a handgun “don’t move hood” the detective said as he pulled out a birdarang

“oh stuff a sock in it you goodie goodie. You honestly make me wanna hurl, but that’d mean id have to wash my helmet and honestly I like the smell of weed and scotch in here” he said, inhaling sharply as he walked circles around Red Robin

“so you use the drugs you take from the dealer?” Red Robin said as his eyes followed RedHood while also keeping distance

“no,, well yes, it’s bad I know but hey better then letting the kids get fucked up” he said as he continued to twirl his gun “so how’s the married life Timothy?”

“I’ve got nothing to say to you hood” Red Robin said with a slight growl, slowly kneeling down to grab his retractable staff from his boot

RedHood laughed as he turned to the detective “you know that’s exactly what Barbra said to me a while back, she thought I was doing the good cop bad cop thing with crane, stupid sack of shit tried to inject her with a deadly amount of his toxin until I stopped him” he said as he could tell Red Robin finally realized who he was, he chuckled and holstered his gun, pulling back his hood and taking off his helmet he grinned “your turn Tim”

“I’m not giving you any satisfaction Jason” he said as he held his bow staff in front of him “I’m taking you in and you’re going to rot for what you did to this city”

“I’ve helped save this city!” Jason yelled in rage at Red Robin “I was taking out everyone from the inside! You knock off replacement” Jason spat through his gritted teeth

“if it wasn’t for you Bruce would st-“ Red Robin was cut off by Jason

“IF IT WASN’T FOR BRUCE I WOULD’VE LIVED!” he yelled and charged at Red Robin, spear tackling him to the ground, he studied Tim for a while, he was smart and was good in a fight. But he was better with his knowledge not his combat skill

Red Robin used Jason’s Force against him and kicked him off, making Jason fly into a wall “you're just pathetic Todd, just like the rest of the criminals in this city, Bruce was stupid to have taken you in” he said as he looked around, Jason disappeared into the shadows as Red Robin got to his feet “all you are is just a violent addict who needs to go to arkham”

A small disk flew to Red Robins chest, it stuck itself to his body armour and shocks of electricity went through his body, he collapsed to the ground in paralysis as RedHood walked out of the shadows now wearing his helmet again “oh I’m pathetic am I? Who doesn’t insulate there suit regularly? Hmm?” RedHood pulled out his gun and aimed it at Tim’s head after ripping his cowl off “say hi to my deadbeat dad will ya? Thanks” he cocked his gun and was about to fire until

“JASON STOP!” a feminine voice was heard as hard boots ran to Tim’s now unconscious body, batgirl ripped the disk off Tim’s chest and looked up at RedHood

He swore he could see fear in her eyes, he lowered his gun and grunted “take the idiot and get out, and if I ever see one of you again. I won’t be so kind”

Batgirl looked at RedHood still “come with us Jason, we can help you” her eyes spoke truth but Jason knew better than to believe he’d be safe especially around Tim and dick

“I said leave” he said in a softer tone then his threat, he walked away into another room of the warehouse leaving batgirl to drag Tim out herself.

~time skip~

Tim awoke in a panic, jolting upright only to be pushed back down “where is that son of a bitch?” he said

“calm your damn farm babe” Barbra said as she rubbed his shoulder “don’t worry about the hood”

“don’t worry about him?! We need to take him down!” Tim said standing up and throwing his arms about like a mad man “he killed three men tonight” he stated

“maimed three men, they’re in the hospital under care, so far the RedHood hasn’t killed a single person” Barbra said in a matter of factually as she sat up “Jason is a good guy Tim, he’s just been hollowed out and filled back up with rage by the joker”

Tim snorted at that “okay wow, no he’s just another criminal like the rest end of story” he said as he paced the room

“you’ve never met him properly Tim, I’m surprised  Jason hasn’t gone mad with everything he’s gone through” the redhead said quietly as she played with her hands

“oh stop defending that idiot, he betrayed the family” Tim said in an annoyed tone “he’s a criminal and a drug abuser”

Barbra stood up and glared at Tim “Jason is a good guy and he didn’t betray the family, in fact the family betrayed him when you came along”

Tim turned to Barbra shocked at her words “so what are you saying? That it’s my fault that Bruce, dick and Alfred stopped looking for that asshole?”

Barbra stayed silent for a long period of time before she spoke “yes, all of our attention was on Jason for almost a year, and when you showed up Bruce’s attention drifted to you, dick, Alfred and I continued searching then it was just Alfred and I until Bruce got sent the tape of that sick clown killing Jason”

Tim was stunned by his wife’s words, she blamed him for Jason being killed, for Jason coming back “if you think it’s my fault then why don’t you leave” a clink and rattling was heard in front of him, her ring

“its my clock tower, you better be gone by time I get back” she said and she put on an old red hoodie, it was Jason’s, his favorite in fact. he’d given it to her when he was still Robin, as a gift for helping him sleep at night when he had nightmares of crime alley. She put on a pair of runners and exited the clock tower via the elevator, the cold sharp air of Gotham hitting her skin and blowing her hair, it looked like it was about to rain soon but she didn't care.

Barbra walked through Gotham’s streets for hours, it had started to rain a while back. thinking of the past, when it was just her, dick and Jason. Three friends, an acrobat a book nerd and a trouble maker. Jason and Barbara always got along, she helped him with his past and he helped her when she was stressed out. She had gotten along with Jason more then dick surprisingly, she never knew why. Though Jason always tried his hardest to be on her good side, everyone knew he had a crush on her

The thought of Jason having a crush on her made her heart flutter ‘the hell was that?’ she thought to herself, she snapped back to reality when she heard groans coming from an alleyway. Barbra squinted to see a figure moving in the dark then her eyes widened, it was Jason

She quickly ran to his side and saw his jacket had a tine of bullet holes has helmet was cracked all around and his body armour was pierced near is abdominal area and chest.

Barbra panicked and without a second thought she picked him up and helped him limp towards the clock tower, she prayed to God Tim had left, she needed to take care of Jason. Her childhood best friend, who knew what kind of wounds he has under his body armour. The thought made her panic even more and she rushed to the clock tower

Soooo this is new heh. Please tell me what you think of this story so far and leave a vote

Until next time

Your bloodstained pall,


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