I'm So Sorry

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Jason woke in a bed, confused as hell he got up and stretched then started wondering. It seemed familiar but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

“you’ve been out for 3 days” a feminine voice spoke from a large computer, it finally hit him. He’s in the clock tower

“best nap I had in ages” he said as he found his uniform and looked at the ginger “should’ve let me die” he said as he grabbed his stuff and headed to the elevator

“Jason you can’t go, you’re beyond injured, it’s a surprise you’re still alive” Barbra removed herself from the computer and walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder

Jason didn’t face her and he shrugged off her hand “death is something I’m not new to Barbra, I’ve been hurt more then you can imagine”

“Jason I lost my legs to the clown” the ginger said softly as she walked in front of him and looked at him gently

“I was stuck in that abandoned cell for over a year with him Barbra, each month was an anniversary for him... He’d bring a villain to beat me each month” he shuddered as he remembered

A/N arkham Genesis comic issue 3 for more context, you’re welcome

Barbra looked into Jason’s eyes with worry and sadness “I’m so sorry Jason,, you know I doubt it’ll help but dick and I continued looking for you even after joker sent those-“

“don’t start Barbra, I don’t need anyone’s pity” he said as he walked past her and into the elevator “now I gotta go find black mask and put a bullet in his brain for sending goons after me” the elevator started going down as Jason put on his jacket

“that went better then expected” a voice was heard from the couch, batman was laying down with his feet over the arm rest eating an apple

Barbra snorted at the image “you’re never going to try and be the batman Bruce was are you?” she rolled her eyes and she went out of site to change

“nope, only skills not the brooding, well some brooding” he laughed as he tossed the apple core into the trash “so what are we going to do about the hood?”

“You are going to do nothing dick” Barbra said as he came back into view in her batgirl uniform “I’m making Jason my personal responsibility, you can go batmaning around Gotham”

“first batmaning is an awesome phrase and should be used more and second, Barbra Jason obviously can’t be helped, I mean look at him. His mind has been warped by the joker” dick said as he took off the cowl and looked at Barbra

“no he’s not!” Barbra yelled as she stormed out of the clock tower, she was on the hunt to find black mask before Jason did.

Batgirl had been searching for any sign of black mask for hours, it was almost sunrise and she hadn’t found anything, she was starting to get delusional and dizzy then suddenly there was a bag over her head and she went unconscious

~Time skip a couple of days~

RedHood was sitting on a rooftop eating a big belly burger after a big drug bust “drugging up kids is fucking horrible” he said to himself with a mouth full of burger and coke

“how about focusing on something else other then beating up people for a while?” dick said in his blüdhaven police uniform

“how about you piss off back to vampire heaven” RedHood snickered as he stood up and looked at dick “what the fuck do you want dick head” he grabbed his crotch to emphasize the name as well as the insult

“I need your help Jason” dick crossed his arms obviously not amused at the joke “Barbra has gone missing and the last two people that had seen her are you and I”

After a long moment of silence Jason sighed “alright, but on one condition” he said as he crossed his arms

“here we go, what is it Jay?” dick asked as he grabbed a duffle bag with the bat suit in it

“no batman, I don’t give a fuck if you’ve taken over. I’m not being seen working with the batman” Jason said seriously as he put on his helmet

After a moment dick sighed and nodded “fine, I have a spare suit in an ally close by. Just get ready and meet me at the clock tower in an hour” dick said before walking away

The other man looked at his food as the last Grayson walked off, defiantly he got up and started running towards a known black mask hideout without a second thought, he knew if he worked with dick that he wouldn’t be able to do things his way

Once Jason got to the hideout he put on his helmet, it was still broken from the other day so he had to make sure not to get hit much in the head, he also dawned his hood

He busted in guns blazing into the hideout and it was filled with thugs, one by one Jason shot them, stabbed them or snapped their neck. His knife had snapped in the bone of someone’s head so he grabbed a pencil and stabbed it through the last thugs eye “got that from a movie once”

Jason looked around the hideout carefully, trying to find any sign of a kidnap victim. But what he saw was more then he bargained for. He saw Barbara beaten up tied up to a chair, Jason ran to her and freed her from her restraints, picking her up he made his way to the clock tower in a hurry

The amount of time it would took Jason was an hour, Dick was already there in his nightwing uniform waiting for Jason. The younger man came up the elevator holding Barbara bridal style “she needs help NOW” he yelled at the first Robin before placing her down on the bed he was on a few days ago

Dicks eyes widened and nodded as he grabbed medical equipment, he knew were everything was and he started to check over Barbara’s wounds

Jason paced back and forth, he had medical training yes but this was beyond him, he was helpless here and it messed with his head “I shouldn’t have left.. I should have listened to her... I should have stayed and healed.. She’d be fine if I stayed”

“Jason right now isn’t the time, I need you to leave the room for a while, while I fix her up” dick didn’t speak harshly or demandingly but in a way that made Jason comfortable leaving them, he walked out as the room shifted to a med bay

A few hours later dick came down to the room below to find Jason sitting in a chair drinking some water “shell live but the Nano tech in her spin failed and Lucius can’t make more for awhile, she needs rest and a wheelchair again” he said wiping his hands on a cloth

“she’s okay though right?” there was real concern in Jason’s eyes, something dick didn’t think he would ever see from Jason again

“yes, I suggest you stay with her, I can’t stay here. I need to go back to blüdhaven and clean up a mess that someone else made” he said before putting a hand on Jason’s shoulder “I’m trusting you” and with that dick walked to the stairs to go down

Jason, once dick was out of the room ran to the elevator to go up, he found Barbara patched up in a soft bed with a lounge chair next to it. Jason didn’t show much emotion as he walked closer but when he sat down tears streamed down his cheeks “I’m so sorry barbara...”


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Your bloodstained pal


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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