Bad Day

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I wanted to write angst. So I done and wrote some Roman Angst. 

Summary: Human AU. Roman wakes up and knows it will be a bad day, so what's the point in even trying? Well, his friends and boyfriend come to tell him.

Warnings: swearing, food mention, self-deprecation, depressing thoughts, mentions of medication. Nothing too explicit, though! And a happy ending! <3

Ships: Logince

Roman groaned, rubbing his eyes tiredly. What? He could have sworn his alarm went off hours ago... He groaned and rolled over, searching for his phone. It had managed to fell off the charger and under the nightstand. He flipped it over and squinted to turn it on. Then he groaned again when he saw what time it was. How had he slept in so late? And why was he too tired to care?

He sat up, rubbing his eyes again. His bed seemed so soft, and he was tired enough that he could just fall right back asleep and sleep for the rest of the day. But he couldn't do that, could he? He was already half an hour late for his first class, and he needed to eat, and get dressed, and shower, and... Roman flopped back down onto his pillow and sighed. Being awake sounded too hard.

He was just drifting off yet again when the phone - still on the floor - started to ring. Roman yelped, nearly falling off the bed in his attempt to pick it up. It was Patton, but just before he answered the phone stopped ringing. Roman scowled when his phone reported that, as usual, his crappily placed room had no signal.

"Fine..." Roman yawned, letting himself tumble onto the floor. "I'm up..." bless Patton's heart. He had the same class as Roman did today, must have gotten worried. He'd be calling back.

In the meantime, Roman dragged himself to his feet. He might as well get dressed, so he can tell Patton he was at least planning to do something today. Roman peered tiredly into his mirror, then ran a hand through his hair. He didn't need a shower, it wasn't that dirty. He yawned again and pulled on the first T-shirt in his drawer, then a pair of jeans from the floor. He nearly forgot to take off his pajama bottoms first and sighed in annoyance when he realized.

It's not like this is the first time Roman's had a day like this. It's been a while, but he knows how it usually ends. He probably won't go to any classes today - he won't be able to focus anyway even with his medication. Roman scowled, then rubbed his eyes again. Oh yeah, he should take that. If he took it too late in the day he'd be up all night, and he didn't need that after a sleep like that.

Though... Roman stared grumpily toward the clock on his wall. Maybe he shouldn't, today. It was already later than he usually took it, and he wouldn't need to focus if he didn't go anywhere. That, and he'd run out of the prescription one day later than he'd been planning, so he'd be sure to get a new one before he did. And it'd be nice to have a day where he didn't get nauseous from any strong smell...

Roman yawned and ran a hand through his hair, not bothering to comb it flat again. It was settled, then, he'd just have a lazy, medication-free day. He could watch TV or read, or work on a project he'd been planning. Roman smiled, still exhausted, and grabbed his phone before shuffling out to the kitchen.

Patton still hadn't called back, Roman noticed suddenly. He looked down at the phone in his hand, which now in the kitchen showed a few bars of service. He'd probably call soon. Roman should get something to eat.

Despite the numerous breakfast food choices in Roman's small kitchen, he only grabbed a container of leftover pasta and pulled off the lid to microwave it. A lazy day meant he didn't have to cook, right? Besides, this was Patton's 'famous' alfredo. The best alfredo Roman had ever had.

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