Simon and Paula ran into eachother

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Paula's POV:
I packed up my purse and got ready to meet Jenna and Chelsea Clinton. ( I changed their names because these are people Paula actually knows) Tonight I was going to Rockefeller Center, NYC to go ice skating and apparently meet some good looking guy.

I got in the car.
"Hey Chelsea, ready to pick up Jenna?" I said
"Yep... so sick I ate so much today." Chelsea said
"Oh that's not fun." Paula said and laughed a little.
Jenna got in the car, smacking on a piece of gum. "Who's ready for tonight?" Jenna smiled
"Ready to get a fling on?" Jenna winked
"Yeah..." Paula said awkwardly

They arrived to Rockefeller Center, NYC... Paula, Jenna, and Chelsea got out of the car. It was cold but not too cold, just the perfect evening temperature for ice skating.

The boy we were all awaiting for had came up to Paula in the parking garage.

"Hey you got the whole package." He said sluggishly
"Oh... um... thanks?" Paula said awkwardly
"Come on you two ready"? Jenna said
"Sure thing." Said Chelsea

They walked a few blocks up to the ice skating rink in Rockefeller center. When they arrived there was a couple ice skating on the rink alone. They proposed to each other.
"Aww how romantic." Said Jenna
"Definitely not me." Paula said
"Aww it will be you one day." Said Jenna
"Guys lets not get all mushy mushy here." Said Chelsea
"Ok." Paula said seriously
When they let all the people out on the ice rink it was so crowded. Everyone was loud, amusing and having an awesome time. Except for Paula, she was stressed and upset about her career plummeting.
"Oh my gosh. I love this song" Said Chelsea
"A little party never killed nobody!" Sang Chelsea
"Whoop whoop, when you come around I know your the talk -" Paula sang and danced a little.
Paula turned around and what she saw surprised her. It was... Simon? Am I imagining this?
"Oh Pauler, I'm sorry" Said Simon
"Oh it's ok... em..." Paula said
"I haven't seen you in ... decades!"
He caught Paula by the hand and caught her from almost falling really hard.
Paula forced a believable smile
"Pauler, wh0's this?"
"These are my friends Jenna and Chelsea" Paula said
"Yeah, we heard about you!" Said Jenna
"Paula really needs to do better..." she laughed a little
"Hey umm who are you cow Cowell?" His eyes were not looking normal. It was the man they saw before, Collin.
"Paula, who's this?" Simon said sternly
Paula's friends looked kind of shocked but then  left to get the punch they were giving out.
"Simon, what is your problem!" Paula yelled
"Paula don't raise your voice at me" Simon snickered
"Paula are you drunk?" Simon Said
"No, what - do I look drunk?" Paula said
"Well I'm not the one slipping all over slurring my words" Simon Said
"Simon, you don't mean anything to me" Paula said
"You too" he said back with anger and watery eyes.
Paula was so stressed, so in love, she couldn't help but to force a hug on Simon.
Simon squeezed Paula tight and looked down at her.
Simon- "Paula why haven't you contacted me" he said softly
Paula muffled... " I don't want to miss you. I don't want to live in the past."
"Your not living in the past, darling". Their hug lasted two minutes.
Chelsea and Jenna got back... "woah woah is someone cutting onions in here?" Jenna said
Chelsea nudged Jenna.

Paula's publicist  shouted above from view of the rink.
"Paula come over here" he shouted
Paula's eyes widened " oh it's Brett, he's been my publicist throughout the years." "
"Ok Paula do what you gotta do but we have to get going" Said Chelsea
"Aww why!" Paula exclaimed
"It's cold out plus we don't know any of these people." "You got a credit card, cash, and emergency number?" Said Jenna
"Aww guys your just going to leave me here?" Said Paula
"Your a strong independent women Paula, peace." Said Chelsea
"Bye." Paula said
"Paula!!!" Brett's voice echoed a little
Paula ran up towards the view of the rink.
"Hey Brett, what's the matter?" Paula said
"Paula I have a whole lot of matters to put in our hands." Brett Said
"What... Brett! My career is over" Paula said
"Come to my apartment, I'll text you the address" The publicist said
"Ok ... but it's very cold out and I'm alone..." Paula sighed
"Paula I'll see you right when you get there." Brett Said
Paula left the ice rink, shivering. Simon caught up with her.
"Paula, what in the world... look at you... your freezing" Simon yelled
"Simon, leave me alone" Paula crossed her arms
"I guess I am cold" Paula said
"Pauler, get a taxi ... or let me take you home or something"
"It's ok I'll just get a taxi." Paula sighed
Paula hailed.
"Hello, now what's your name?!" The taxi driver yelled
"Paula" Paula Said shyly
"Paula... Paula ... what... aren't you that famous person?"
"Abdul" Said Paula
"Abdul... Abdul..." the taxi driver said
"Well how must it feel being famous?"
"I know all of that publicity and your career plummeting must be hard."
He stopped suddenly and he almost flipped over the car.
Paula got out quickly. The taxi driver grabbed her purse quickly from the backseat and then sped off.
Paula looked around. Oh my god oh my god. Shit shit damn it . That's all I had. My purse. My phone. My friends. My money!!!
She was stranded... the only possible thing is she could bother for help.
Paula shivered and a tear shed down her face. She walked for a mile and found a payphone. Maybe I can ask someone for help. I'm famous after all.
Simon was walking to someone's house because Lauren was at a baby shower. Simon then saw Paula.
"Oh my god." Simon thought
"Poor thing."
"Paula" he screamed
Paula saw Simon. She looked embarrassed.
Before a fan could offer money Simon came very close to Paula. He tied both of his arms around Paula's neck.
"She's fine, she's with me" Simon Said sternly
He was so angry that Paula was stranded, being preyed on and now being used.
He gritted his teeth.
"Paula you need to stay safe. Stop surrounding yourself with toxic people." He said angrily still gritting his teeth.
Paula really didn't want to let Simon love her after him leaving her from decades ago. But she had no choice because she was at her wits end.
Simon held her hand and was going to lead her to his car.
"Paula, I don't want to here it, you could die out here"
"I'm ashamed for leaving you alone" Simon Said
Paula shivered.
"Simon ... I'm so c-c-c cold"
"I know, sweetie let's get you into the car."
Simon propped her into the car and put her seatbelt on. He got in the front seat and immediately cranked up the heat. He put his leather jacket on her. He made sure their was no music on so it wouldn't scare her.
Paula smelled his leather jacket that smelt just like him and the xfactor.
"God I miss you xfactor" Paula thought.

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