The hotel- Simon and Paula

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They went up in the elevator.
"Paula remember, just as ex co-workers" Simon Said
"Right on" Paula Said
"So how was your day otherwise?" Simon Said trying to kill the awkwardness.
"It was good, idk how much more I can keep up with these friends" Paula sighed
"Paula I told you cut off those toxic people." Simon Said
They walked into the 10th floor and looked down at the golden hand rails. All the way down the first floor was the breakfast tables with a beautiful setting, all nice and perfect.
Simon Said "maybe we should eat their tomorrow."
Paula said "Simon I don't know, you don't want to get on Lauren's nerves"
Simon Said- "right"
At this time he was missing Eric. He couldn't stand being a bad father and being separated from Eric. He showed Paula a picture of Eric.
"That's my son, isn't he cute?" Simon Said
"Aww he looks so good in white." Paula said
Thanks, Paula.
"But I miss you, we didn't leave off on good terms." Simon Said , closing his phone.
"Oh Simon, I know, and- well now it's all awkward and-"
"What?" Simon Said
"Simon, you know we weren't meant to be together"
"I mean remember what happened last time, that's why we are on such horrible terms."
"What, the fight about the xfactor rules and you cheating on ME with Ryan Seacrest?" Simon Said with his voice getting angrier.
"I didn't cheat on you! You were being an ass and then we broke up, that's why I was with Ryan." Paula said annoyed but then a little ashamed.
"That's why it'll never work" Paula said.
Simon teared up a little. "Right, Paula."

Paula was in the other room watching funny cartoons while Simon was sluggish and miserable in the other room.
Paula  giggled, "oh my god I feel like a kid again."
"Paula can you keep it down in there, I'm trying to get some sleep." Simon Said angrily.
"What's with the tone?" Paula Said shyly.
"Paula I'm feeling sick." Simon moaned.
"Do you need me to do anything?" Paula Said from the other room.
Simon moaning, ran to the restroom and threw up.
"Aw Simon, I love you." Paula Said.
"Paula get me a towel, will you?" Simon Said
Paula got him a towel.
"Simon take your time, you might've just ate something bad"
Simon threw up some more.
"Oh Simon you're really sick." Paula Said frowning.
"Paula, I'm fine just leave me alone!" Simon shouted.
Simon came out... "I might have the flu" he said
"Oh no Simon!" Said Paula.
"Here baby, here's your phone." She gave it to him to entertain him.
"Why don't you lay on the bed, you were all cramped up on that couch, poor thing" Paula Said
He laid down.
"I'm very hot." Simon Said
"It's ok Simon"
"Want to stay here, I will get you some aspirin?" Paula said.
"Ok, hurry up." Simon Said.
Paula ran to the elevator and got downstairs.
She looked over the medications and got some ibuprofen. She also got some apple juice so he had fluid in him. When she got back to the room, Simon was already back to the toilet.
When he was done, Paula gave Simon the bottle of ibuprofen and told him to drink some apple juice. He laid back down on the bed and luckily he could keep that down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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