Simon and paula stay at the hotel as friends

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I thought about just driving Paula home. I couldn't help myself but get turned on by Paula's small waste. I was thinking about sex but assuring myself that I would never do that and it is awful.

I drove to a Marriott Inn. It was beautiful right in the center of Rockefeller center.
"Simon!" Paula said frustrated
"Paula I'm just-"
"No Simon the taxi driver and now you?!" "I should have never came."
"Fine Paula."
"Goodbye Simon. At least we left off on good terms"
"Wait- Paula... these people they're all drunk."
"Oh no, stupid stupid stupid, there is a party?!"
"Yes. And believe is or not we are all blocked in." Simon Said
"I guess your right! But we are getting separate rooms."
"Simon don't darling me, and stop calling all your fans darling it's weird."
"Just go in I'll be there in a minute"
I was subconsciously happy that I was stuck at a hotel. I really wanted to do something with Paula, anything, sensual. But Eric never would see me the same if I cheated on his mum. I texted Lauren.
"Hey baby, had to run to an emergency work meeting."
"Aww baby, really?" Lauren Said
"Yes stay safe, take good care of Eric" Simon Said
"When will you be home?"
"It's running too late, I'll have to get a hotel and then see you in the morning, sorry"
"Simon, this sounds suspicious."
"Lauren, everything's fine, tomorrow I'll take off love you"
"Ok Simey love you good night" Lauren Said
I feel guilty and like I'll be in trouble because I know I'm cheating and staying overnight in a hotel with Paula overnight.
Paula came out of the sliding doors of the hotel.
"Simon, here's your card key!!"
Simon jogged over to her.
"Simon get it through your head, nothing is or will happen tonight. I swear on my mothers grave."
Simon put a hand on Paula's shoulder

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