Since We Were Kids

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Author's Note
This takes place in a world where Planet Vegeta wasn't destroyed and Goku remained on the planet.

Vegeta and Goku were always inseparable as children all the way up until adulthood. That's where everything has changed for them. They were no longer able to hang together or even be able to be seen together.

"Why the long face brother," Tarble asked his brother.

"Nothing. Leave me the hell alone," Vegeta growled.

"Suit yourself. I was only trying to help," Tarble shrugged.

"I don't need your goddamn help Tarble."

"Vegeta, that's no way to talk to your brother," the king interrupted.

"Well tell him to stop bothering me," the young prince replied.

"I will not. Your brother did not deserve that treatment. You need to watch your temper," the king warned him

"Father, I don't have time to listen to this. I just want to be to myself," Vegeta mumbled.

"Fine. Be to yourself but do not find yourself sneaking off into the kingdom," the king stated.

"Fine," Vegeta said as he walked off from his father. Vegeta hasn't felt the same since the day the king told him he was no longer able to hangout with Kakarot. He always felt like himself when he was around and he was the only person who understood him best. Kakarot wasn't all that smart but he knew how to put a smile on the young prince face.

Vegeta sat on his bed and sighed. He didn't like sitting in the castle much because it bores him to death. Often times, he's sneaks off into the kingdom after dark to have a little fun. He hated disobeying his father but he also liked being free and doing the things he liked.

Vegeta's thoughts were being interrupted by the tapping on his window repeatedly. "What the hell?! Who the hell has the nerve to beat on my goddamn window," he growls walking up to balcony doors. He opened the door and began to shout. "What the hell are you," the prince started to yell until he saw who it was. It was Kakarot. His face immediately softened and he calmed down.

"Vegeta, come out with me," Kakarot smiled.

"How did you slip past the guards," Vegeta whispered as he looked back into the room.

"I don't know really. I just came in," he laughed nervously.

"Get up here before someone spots you," Vegeta whispered yelled.

"Are you sure it's safe? I don't want your father catching you with such a "low class warrior"," he teased.

"It's better than being out there," Vegeta responded as he rolled his eyes.

"Okay. Okay," Kakarot smiled as he flew into the prince's room.

Vegeta closed the door to the balcony and walked back into his room. He turned to see Kakarot looking around his room in amazement.

"What are you gawking at Kakarot," Vegeta asked.

"Well I don't get to come in here much and it's been years since the last time I've been in here. It's really nice," he answered.

"Well thank you. I decorated it myself," Vegeta responded, "What brings you here anyways?"

"You," Kakarot stated as he looked Vegeta in the eye.

"What do you need?"

"Nothing. I just needed your company. I'm always on missions now days and it gets lonely," he explained.

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