Litch x Reader: Melody

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Hellooooo! This is my first Servamp oneshot! Enjoy! Requested by C0V3RnC0NC34L



Music. I've always had a connection with it. It was just such a beautiful way to express how I was feeling. My favourite is the piano. The keys. How it sounds. It's just melodic. The thing is, I haven't listened to any form of music at all recently. Not ever since my father died.

He would always play with me as a duet. I used to love the piano. But now? I can't stand it. I'm going to a piano concert my friend invited me to. Well since my friend is the one doing the piano. Sometimes I wish he didn't. But he loves it so I can't really refuse. What kind of friend would I be if I did that?

But sometimes I wish I could be someone else.

So I could be complete. I just want him back.

Litch POV

"Oi sh-t rat where are you?" (Note: Swearing will be sensored since my I pad is monitored by the school. I'll probably uncensore it on my phone after) I yelled, as I finished tidying up. Y/N was coming today, so I wanted to look presentable.

"I'm right here Angel-Chaaaaaaan!" I heard as I saw that sh-t rat at the door. "Where have you been?" I asked. "I was looking for you actually. The director says you're on in 5" he replied with a grin. Sighing, I turned to the mirror and brushed off some invisible dirt. Dammit I'm getting nervous.

"Ah Litchtan is something wrong?" he asked me, and when I looked back at him, he was directly in my face. He held it with both hands, and try as I did not to, I slapped them away. "What is up with you?!" I yelled, as he had a thoughtful look on his face. He picked up a rose from a vase and shot me a smile that could've rivaled with heaven's brightness.

"Oh Angel-Chaaaaaan! You're in looooooove!~" he exclaimed, throwing the rose dramatically in the air, mid sentence. I just stood there, trying to prevent a serious migraine that would soon come on. "What are you talking about?" I answered, annoyed. Well I mean sure, Y/N is nice, beautiful, caring and- wait what am I saying!?

Hyde just walked out humming, not having a care. I looked out the door and took a deep breath, picturing the audience in tears from my performance. It was time for the angel, to bring down glory from heaven.


Looking around in the auditorium, I saw a few familiar TV icons and the occasional model. So many people for one man's preformance. Sitting back, I straightened my f/c dress and pulled on my sf/c gloves.

The lights dramatically dimmed. The show was about to start. On stage, there was a single spotlight, that shone on an old grand piano. I saw a familiar black haired male come on stage.

Litch sat down and for a moment, I thought I saw him crack a smile. Or was that me, and my desperate love that I had for him? Yes, Litch Jerkylland Todoroki, had stolen my heart and ever so slightly, I was trying to reel it back in.

His fingers hovered over the keys for a moment, and then they started to play. Fur Elise. My favourite piece of Beethoven music. The mystery of why this song was created drew me in to love it, and the sounds of the pianist who had ever played the song, executed it perfectly, but none quite like the way Litch does.

I wanted to cover my ears. I wanted to scream out 'Stop! I can't take it!'. I wanted to run as fast as I could and not look back. I waited until the song had finished, and left the room, with not as much as a clap.

Litch POV

I had just finished my preformance and took a bow. I looked around for Y/N but I couldn't spot her anywhere. Did she even come? No, she definitely did. I saw her just before I started playing. So did she not stay until the very end? That's very unlike her. She would usually listen to it most intently, and by now, I would've heard her screaming my name, at an ear breaking volume.

I went out and on the way I passed by Hyde. He didn't have that usual smirk of his. Instead in its place, there was a sad frown. I was about to ask what was wrong when my phone pinged signalling I had a new message. It was from the L/N family. As I read it my eyes grew wide. Mr L/N had died in an accident. Apparently, Y/N's whole family had the funeral a week before hand. When I looked at the date, I saddened. The funeral was held on the day of one fo my concerts. I hadn't even known. Most importantly, I hadn't been there for Y/N. The one who even encouraged me from the very start.

Running, I went off to find her. I saw her in the hallway, quietly crying in her hands. They were tears of sadness, not the usual joy I saw. No, not my Y/N's. I went up to her and took one of her hands. She looked up at me, and at that moment, my world came crashing down. She looked like she would never smile again. "Hey Y/N" I spoke softly, as if trying to talk to a stray or wild animal to calm them down. "Come on, please tell me what's wrong. I already know what happened, but I want to hear it from you" I finished, taking both of her hands.

She hiccuped and spoke in a whisper. "I-It's my father h-he..." she started, and then broke into sobs. I gently held her chin, and turned her head so it faced me. I wiped the tears from her eyes, and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I  always here for you alright? Does it hurt? You can tell me. You know that right?" I soothed, rubbing circles on her back. "I-It does *hic* I j-Just miss him *cough* s-so badly..!" she sobbed pulling me in tighter.

I let go and ever so gently placed a kiss on her lips. She seemed surprised, but soon melted into it. We pulled apart, looking into each other's eyes. Her e/c orbs into my blue ones. "You can tell me anything. I want to be your Guardian Angel, so you can be my Melody" I explained. She smiled and chuckled. "I didn't know you could be a cheesy romantic" she responded playfully. I cracked a smile. I took the rose that was in my breast pocket and handed it to her. She took it gratefully and then we parted ways.

Going back to the green room, I saw Hyde there, a soft smile etched on his features. "Hey Litchtan. You have a good one there." he stated. He spoke calmly, like a gentle breeze, on a sunny afternoon. "Make sure to hold her hand alright? Don't let go, even when she wants to pull away. Don't make the same mistake I did". I brushed past him and replied "Of course I won't make the same mistake as you sh-t rat. Why? Because I'm her Guardian Angel." I looked outside the window. Spotting Y/N, I saw that she still had the rose in her hand. She looked up at the stary sky, got out her I pod and started listening to some music. Classical piano was my guess.

"But you know Hyde. You're no that bad" I continued. I looked back to where Y/N was and smiled as I saw her skipping down the road. "No, not bad at all".



I hope you enjoyed that oneshot! I sort of rushed it but it turned out ok I guess.

Hyde: Anna-chan can I sign us out???


Hyde: *inhales deeply* BYE BYE!!! Make sure to keep those requests coming! Anna-chan and Lawless have signed out! *mic drop*

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