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Kuro: *turns into cat and runs into Mahiru's room*

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Kuro: *turns into cat and runs into Mahiru's room*

Mahiru: W-Why the hell am I in a maids' uniform?!

Lily: I have to admit, it is a tough choice

Misono: For once Lily isn't stripping so he's obviously in deep thought. As for me, I'd personally go for the female

Sakuya: I can't believe you! I would definitely go for the male, and that's not a lie

Belkia: Whaaaaaaa does this even mean??

Tsubaki: interesting...

Mikuni: Girl obviously

Jeje: Girl.

Tetsu: Boy...he look normal when he's a boy

Hugh: No comment

Shuuhei: I want prepared for this...

Kuro: LEAVE ME AND MY THOUGHTS BE! I CAN'T CHOOSE ALRIGHT?! so troublesome.... *blushing

-Anna has signed out-

A/N: I did this one by myself cause I was bored with nothing to do. Comment on what you want them to react to! Just remember: No K-Pop

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