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Jason Voorhees x Heller Grace

Heller Grace POV

"The Sheriff is calling it another animal attack." Maddison declared from her office door, stopping me in my tracks in the hallway. "You got to be kidding me." I snapped in frustration, my eyes rolling after hearing yet another ridiculous statement the Sheriff made. 

"Yes as ridiculous as it sounds, and even more ridiculous that they are accusing a black bear. I'm going to send you out and investigate the grounds." Maddison stated with a nervous smile as she handed me the file on it. 

"There isn't even brown bears in the area, which animal is he going to accuse next time? A deer? Oh no! A rabid bunny!" I declared earning a chuckle from Maddison. "You know us Wildlife Biologist have to check it out if there is an actually animal." She stated as she patted my shoulder and went back to her office to work. 

"To Camp Crystal Lake!" I mumbled out to myself in fake eagerness. 

~ * ~ * ~ Time Skip ~ * ~ * ~

Once arriving at the Camp, I was greeted with a beautiful lake glistering from the sun, tall trees gentle swaying from the constant wind that cooled things down in the blistering heat. It is hard to believe a place like this is know for numerous killings. If I had the chance, this is where I would live. Away from everyone and surrounded by wildlife.

I decided that walking around the lake would be a good start, not just because I want to enjoy the view the lake and what the forest has to give. As I was walking along the bank, nearing an old broken deck that bobbed up and down in the water, screams of joy is heard all around me.

I watch as two young teenage boys run towards the deck as they strip their clothes off till they are only left in their boxers. Once on the deck they cannon balled into the water together. I smirk grows on my face as a plan crosses my mind to ruin their fun. 

"Hey boys!" I call out, stopping them from their little splashing fight. One of the boys who had blonde hair let out a squeal when they noticed me on the edge of the lake. "You do know this Camp is a crime scene right? You shouldn't be here." I declared as I cross my arms. 

The other boy whos hair was black rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, Kyle we better go before Jason Voorhees kills us." He laughs making me raise an eyebrow. "Who's Jason?" I asked, I've never heard of an actually person going around and killing people. Though that does make more sense then their silly animal attacks. 

For the next five minutes the boys took their turns telling me about Jason Voorhees. Who was a young disformed boy who was bullied and then soon drowned in this lake. That some how came back and saw his mother getting killed causing Jason to go on a strike and kill everyone that entered the camp. 

This fake story did make me feel bad for Jason. Even if it wasn't real, no one should be treated in such a horrid way like Jason was. Deciding to scare the kids, I chuckle as I shake my head. "Jason wasn't the one who killed those other teenagers." I stated, watching as the boys stopped to glance at each other before looking at me in confusion. 

"And who killed them then?" They asked unison. "A grizzly bear." I declared in seriousness. The two boys look at each other before laughing at my statement. It took a while but I let them finish laughing before I start speaking again.

"I'm serious. As a wildlife biologist, I study animals. And let me tell you when a grizzle gets provoked enough when it is hungry. It will tear your to shreds." I declared, taking a small step towards the boys. 

"The bear will use its claws to tear you open, pull your limbs off. The teeth are for shredding the meat off your bones. You'd wish Jason would kill you. At least then it will be quick. Grizzles like to saver their meals. They will take their time eating you." I stated with a sinister smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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