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Kirby yeets himself onto Wario and Barry bee benson. They had a threesome because the author can't be bothered writing lemon at school and she's scared.

"Damn they did it right in front of us...I-I'm scarred" shaggy is unfazed waluigi has left.

I look at shaggy "whyyyy...whyyyy not on the table whyyyyy" I question everything that was my favourite table

shaggy shrugs "lol it happens...a lot..." I look at shaggy disgusted Shaggy and I leave I'm on the verge of tears "I feel sorry for the table hahah"

I grab a hold of shaggys arm and lay my head on his arm "...today's been to long"

"LIKE MY DICK" Kirby screams from the other room (LMAO my friend read this and thot it said lick my pee pee anyways I'm sorry)

I burst out laughing "Oh MY JESUS TAKE THE MOFOING WHEEL" shaggy looks at me and smiles. "What is there something thing on my face"

Shaggy grabs me by the chin and forces his lips onto mine I push him off of me "OY WHAT WAS THAT FO-" he silences me and points to waluigi crossing his arms and looking sad

"Wa..." I feel bad he walked in at the worse time... AH HAH I got an idea how about taking him out for a fancy meal just waluigi and me.

I leap up and pounce on waluigi playfully "hey daddy how bout we have a fancy dinner just you me" everyone goes silent..

"Did you just call him...daddy?" Shaggy looks at waluigi jealousy. Then turns away and pouts.

Determination over powers me and I blurt out with confidence "you both are my daddies" They blush silently.

Kirby, Barry and wario enter the room one after the other Kirby spanks warios ass "oh yes daddy!" Barry goes inside of Kirby big mouth and moans.

Shaggy gets angry at them "boys! Stop! Not in here".

I grab shaggys hand "sweetie we talked about this don't get mad control it".

Waluigi picks me up bridle style and carries me to the bedroom Shaggy let

ITS WALUIGI TIME: Walugi/Shaggy X Reader Where stories live. Discover now