Body Image

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Alright! Our first topic! Let's get started!

I've struggled with this and still, to some extent, struggle with this. I'm sure either you're going through this, have gone through it, or know someone who is.

Say thanks to the constant need to be perfect on the outside, either imposed by you on yourself or from people around you. Sometimes it's both.

We forget how important it is to get mentally strong before anything. Your looks will follow, trust me. 

Ever had 'good days' and 'bad days'? Do you have days when you look in the mirror and think you look kinda good. And have days that bring you to tears, make you cancel your plans with friends, colleagues or a hot date because of how ugly you think you look?

The fun part is that you are the same person in both scenarios. It's your thoughts and feelings that changed. If you don't get a grip on that, you can be the richest, the most beautiful looking woman on the planet. You'll still find a reason to feel like you're not enough. 

Don't believe me? Find one rich / hot woman who is incredibly happy and has no problems with herself. I will worship and strive to be her for the rest of my life.

This constant pursuit of perfection is driving us all a little crazy, if you ask me.

Let's get one thing straight, ladies. You were not born to make them happy. Your purpose on this planet is not to please others, or look a certain way for them. You are here to live your best life. Believe that. Make that thought the base of all your thoughts. Once you change that, you will learn how to love yourself. You will recognize what part of you needs work (mentally and physically) and you'll be more motivated to make the necessary changes.

When I'm frustrated with myself and / or the way I look, I force myself to ask one question: If I had a child of my own, is this how I'd treat them? Would I punish them for being who they are just because other kids might be "better"? Hell, no!

Make yourself your own baby. Love yourself FIRST. Tune the world out till you learn how to do that.

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Let yourself discover that and stop pushing yourself under water. You have no idea what potential lies underneath :)

Share your thoughts below. I'd love to hear!


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