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My name is Astrid Curtis. I'm 12 years old. I love ice cream, cookies, cake pretty much anything sweet. I love going to the park it's so fun there with the swings and the monkey bars. Darry is my big big big brother he works so hard which I dont get why when momma and dad are coming back soon. He gets grumpy alot. He get very angry when all I do is want to play but he wants me working on school work. What school work do I have ? I'm 12 but when it's just me and him I call him dar bear. Then there's Sodapop. He makes me laugh a lot. Then there's ponyboy. He seems like he doesn't like me very much. He doesn't come around me unless darry makes him then he gets angry. Then there's the family two-bit, Steve, Johnny and Dally. Two acts like a kid. Steve is scary and doesn't like me. Johnny is my best friend. Dally is scary but he has a secret soft spot for me.

A/N - there will be grammar errors in this story. I hope you enjoy it.

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