5 • dreamers

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"Do you think she's okay?" I ask Daisy worriedly. "What do you think?"

"I think she'll be fine," Daisy reassures me.

I'm really concerned for Dr. K. She didn't look too great when we left. I would have stayed, but she'd insist I go have the full learning experience with everyone else. It's just that I'd known Dr. K. ever since my father was her colonel in the Army, Col. Alejandro Gutierrez. She was my sister Angel's role model and my idol ever since we first met her at the Silver Star ceremony in 2013. For us two Latina girls, seeing someone of color make a huge difference in the world was a very big deal. So, naturally, I'm kinda worried about her.

Daisy elbows me. "You're her favorite intern, you know that, right?"

"Ha, ha. You make that obvious every day." I roll my eyes.

"Hey, what should we nickname our attending?" From behind me, Liam Marino, the douchebag who somehow got into medical school, sniggers. His friend Robert Gresham, also a magical future M.D., follows suit.

Dr. K. must be going through hell having to deal with these guys. She's in charge of around fifteen interns including us, and I can't imagine how horrid it must be. Fifteen hormonally charged fourth year med students. Surprisingly, it's been almost a month and she's lasted. She's probably the coolest teacher I'd ever had. Love the classroom, by the way.

"She's not here, guys. You're really gonna mock our attending while she's not here?" Daisy says defensively.

"You're basically her lapdogs, right," Robert laughs. "Oh, I got it. Our Lady of Death and Despair."

"Funny, but no," Liam dismisses it.

"Liam, she's gonna bite your head off when she gets back," I warn.

"That's it! She's Mommy Shark!" Robert laughs at our faces, joined with Liam.

"You guys are such idiots," groans Daisy.

I shake my head. "Let's go actually help people." I give the guys the stink eye.

We're just handing out blankets, uber-casual, when we hear an explosion. Through the full-length windows, we can see the cute little house across from the hospital, the one I drive past every day to get my car in the parking lot, literally fly apart. There's a terrified general gasp, and then screams as parts of the house soar across the road and knock two cars off to the side.

"Oh my God!" The words just escape my lips. My heart is beating double time in my chest. "Oh my God, oh my God. Daisy, there were people in that car. There were people in that house."

"Don't panic," she tries. "Okay. I'm gonna go get Dr. K. She'll be down here in a few. Trust me. She's still in the Classroom, I'm sure. Jenny, call FD. We gotta get those people out."

"Yeah. I'll do that." I sigh and dial 911 on my cell phone as Daisy rushes toward the Classroom.

"Wait!" Dr. Alexander stops Daisy. I watch with wide eyes as this whole scenario occurs and the busy tone chimes in my ear.

"Hello, you've reached 911, what's your emergency?" the operator says. I can't tell what Dr. Alexander is saying, so I make a mental note to ask Daisy after.

"Yeah, um, a house just exploded on two cars here across from San Antonio Memorial Hospital on Main Street," I reply.

"Sure, we'll dispatch Fire and Ambulance as soon as possible, but there's a superstorm going on, ma'am, so there would be a delay," she explains.

"Uh, it looks pretty bad back here, so if they could make it fast..."

"Yes. We'll try."

As soon as she hangs up, I run up to Daisy and Dr. Alexander. "Hey, what's up?"

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