vii - scold, whimper & whisper

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(to) scold:

        ₁ to reprimand or criticize harshly and usually angrily.

Synonyms/Related words:

◈ admonish

◈ berate

◈ chide

◈ condescend

◈ denounce (in the sense of criticizing)

◈ intimidate

◈ reprimand

◈ scoff (related to condescend)

◈ sneer (related to scoff)

◈ taunt (related to sneer)

◈ upbraid

◈ vituperate


(to) whimper:

         to cry or sob with soft intermittent sounds; whine.

        ₂ to complain.


◈ complain

◈ cry

◈ demur (related to protest)

◈ groan

◈ grumble

◈ grunt (related to groan)

◈ moan

◈ object (related to demur)

◈ protest (related to complain)

◈ sob

◈ wail

◈ weep

◈ whine


(to) whisper:

         soft speech produced without full voice.

        ₂ something uttered very softly.


◈ drone

◈ hint (related to intimate)

◈ intimate (in the sense of spreading gossip)

◈ insinuate (related to hint)

◈ mumble

◈ murmur

◈ mutter

◈ sussurate

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