viii - repeat explain & kid

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(to) repeat:

to say or do again.

to reproduce the words, inflections, etc., of another.


◈ cite (related to quote)

◈ insist

◈ maintain (related to insist)

◈ mimic (faintly related to quote)

◈ quote (sense of repeating the words of other)

◈ reaffirm

◈ reassure

◈ recite

◈ recount

◈ restate


(to) explain:

to make plain or comprehensible.

₂ to define; expound.


◈ clarify

◈ describe

◈ elaborate

◈ elucidate

◈ illustrate

◈ justify

◈ resume (related in a larger sense to explain)


(to) kid:

to mock playfully; tease.

₂ to deceive in fun; fool.


◈ banter

◈ giggle (related in a wider sense)

◈ grin (related to laugh)

◈ jest

◈ jeer

◈ joke

◈ laugh (related to smirk)

◈ quip

◈ smirk (related to giggle)

◈ tease

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