Chapter 16; The Late Finish

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Monday's are always everyone's worst day of the week, just a stupid reminder of the 5 days work 2 days rest cycle that most people live their entire lives. But not for you, yes Monday's are your longest day you normally go 9am - 6pm but all them 9 glorious hours are spent with you and Jason eyeing each other up, and when your out of view of one of the CCTV cameras and the view of your fellow classmates, you may enjoy a squeeze of his raging boner and him a squeeze of your plump ass, which could lead to some fun in the staff room toilet when the one other tutor on the late shift goes for his cigarette break. Ten minuets may not seam like a long time but the things we have got up to in that bloody toilet.....

"Y/N!!! Did you here that?" your thoughts interrupted by the subject leader; "no I'm sorry sir I was distracted" you say sheepishly as everyone is looking at you, "everyone has to stay tonight until 11pm, your group needs to cover the kitchen tonight the mayor's in with his family for a meal". This is bad news, your last bus home is at 9:30pm and whilst you mother is on holiday, dads in nights meaning you'll have to walk home. You reply with a simple "Okay".

As the day draws to a close you can tell that Jason seams to be getting more and more impatient throughout the night, just little things like leaving only a two minute break after people had finished starters before sending mains, but oh well we all want to get home and with him buying a new house closer to the collage he only had a 10 minuet car journey to get there.

"Right Guys that's everything sent now let's clear down and get off, thanks for the extra time you've all put in" Jason bellows, everyone gets right to it and before you know it the kitchen clean and you all off. You go to the changing rooms, shower and change before embarking on the walk home. It's cold outside and although you knew the forecast you still left home without a coat.

As you cross the road you see out the corner of your eye some really bright lights, you turn around and see someone's flashing you, as they draw closer you can make out it's a red Land Rover, then it clicks, Jason! You stop as he pulls up next to you, he slowly rolls down the tinted window and said "hop in Y/N I'll give you a ride" his smirk extending from one ear to the other, by 'ride' does he mean just a lift or something less innocent? Who knows, you don't reply just walk round, hop into the passengers seat and see where the night takes you.

Jason: the gay teacher and student fantasyWhere stories live. Discover now