Part Two

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*The Umbrella Academy Headquarters


"Listen up children, today we will have a new arrival, a child given to the Academy for his powers being unsafe." Mr Reginald explains as the rest of the Teenagers were sitting having lunch.

"Another boy, great that's just what we need."Allison rolled her eyes.

"Hey I Thought there was no talking at the table" Klaus smirked.

"Number four and Number three I will not be having any of your smart remarks today; I expect you all to be on your best behavior for when he arrives."

"Father?" Vanya asked quietly causing everyone to turn to Vanyas side of the table.

"Number 7 you know that is not my name" Reginald said bluntly.

"Sorry, sir."

"Well hurry up with it then,what is it."

" Are you sure we have enough space here for a new one" Vanya asked.

"Well, yes with Number 5 and number 6 absent we have plenty of space." He said standing up; anymore questions children?"

The children shook their heads.

"Very well, continue on with your lunch and remember best behavior"

Once Reginald left all the teens sighed in relief.

"Another one? Like we dont already have enough of us."Diego huffed.

"Oh come on dear it cant be that bad,maybe you guys will like your new brother." Grace said taking his plate.

Grace is their mother;yet shes a robot Reginald built to be a mother figure for the children since he wasnt around much. She named the children and is there for them.

"But mom what do we even know about this kid he could be evil or something" Diego said.

"Oh shut up your just afraid dad will like him better than you." Allison smirked giving her plate to grace.

"Dont try getting all kissy with this brother too Allison I dont think luther would like that." Diego laughed.

"Shut up" Allison spat.

"Dont bring that up again" Luther warned standing up walking to Diego.

"Or what you gonna kiss me too" Diego said sarcastically walking up to Luther Too.

They were both in each other's faces yet Diego had to look up to see Luther because he was much taller.

"Boys not in my kitchen, and your father said best behavior so stop this." Grace said getting in the middle of the two.

"Aw come on mommy I want to see this go down" Klaus whined shuffling in his seat."

"Klaus"Grace warned.

Luther looked at Grace then Diego, Luther stepped down and walked out of the kitchen.

"Ha your just scared of me" Diego taunted.

"Diego go to your room you should know better" Grace Scolded.

He huffed then began walking a way but then allison got up and walked to him.

"Diego,I heard a rumor you punched your self in the face" Allison whispered.

Diego raised his right hand struck himself hard against his right cheek."

"Mom!" Diego yelled.

Klaus laughing loudly from his spot at the table.

"Allison what have we told you about that, what is with you children today all of you to your rooms."

"Your so lucky your a girl,if it were me I would've had a stab wound by now" Klaus said standing up.

All the children walked out except Vanya who was still at the table.

Vanya was different than the others;she had no powers.

Vanya got up and started collecting the rest of the plates from the table and gave them to Grace.

"Do you need any help mom?"Vanya asked.

Vanya spends alot of time with Grace since all the other children get to go on missions, Vanya stayed home and played her Violin alot, and Grace would listen.

Grace smiled warmly at Vanya holding the plates and gently took them from her and placed them in the sink.

"You can wipe down the counter if you'd like" Grace smiled handing her a wet towel.

Vanya began wiping down the counter as Grace finished up the dishes.

"Mom" Vanya asked.

"Yes Vanya "

"The new boy, what are his powers" Vanya asked.

"Well I havent heard much, but hes similar to you" Grace replied.

"What do you mean like me?" Vanya asked placing the towel in the sink.

"From what I heard he keeps to himself as well,and hes different just like you" Grace assured.

Vanya was scared of meeting this new boy, but little did she know he would be the reason she believes in herself.

If you havent watched the umbrella academy your gonna be confused on the characters and the references I make.

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