Chapter 6

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Title: Destined for your heart

Pairings: Zayn/Liam and Harry/Louis

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters in this story. It is also a fictional account meaning none of this has taken place in real life.


A/N: Hello! I know I haven’t been keeping up to date with updating but I promise I’ll update once or twice a week.  Also, I noticed more and more people are beginning to read this story. Thank-you all of you, you have no idea how much it means to me. Anyway, I’m not sure if you guys really like it or not… The number of votes and comments are decreasing, I know I sound a little bit difficult but could you offer me suggestions if you don’t like the fic and if you do, continue voting and commenting because I love all of you. This chapter has a lot more Ziam action, I promise and also Larry.  And I have a huge ask of all of you but it would mean a lot. I’ve been honoured to be nominated for a 1D Bromance award and I’m in need of some votes. All you have to do is go onto this site (or just access the bromance awards) and in the Ziam catergory, comment ‘Destined for your Heart’. It won’t take long but anyway, here’s the next chapter. I really hope you like it! @ziamlarrynood thank you for all your support. Love you all :) xxx

Chapter 6

Zayn eyed the sleeping boy sat in his lap, it wasn’t often he was the first of the pair to wake. Liam was usually an early riser. Every Sunday, he and Zayn would spend the morning together. It began with Liam's special breakfast in bed. A delightful treat Zayn looked forward to through the entire week.

It wasn't that Harry was a bad cook of course. In fact, according to Louis he should have entered Master Chef when the five were in Australia. Zayn just thought the same old recipes were quite boring to continue eating on a weekly basis. That was why he was so glad Liam would take the time to cook him breakfast every Sunday. The brunette was the opposite of Harry. He liked to experiment with his cooking. His mum was somewhat talented in the field, causing the majority of Liam's dishes to be recipes from his mother.

The reason Zayn and Liam shared a friendship so strong was their mutual likes and hobbies. It was quite obvious one got along with another due to commonality and Zayn and Liam were a clear representation of that. Somehow, they were always discovering new information about each other. It wasn't necessarily things like finding out each other's favourite cereal but more so realizing the habits and the reactions the other displayed. This meant the pair would spend numerous hours together on a daily basis. No one was really complaining so they continued to spend time in each other’s presence, causing their relationship to deepen.

Unlike Liam and Zayn, Harry and Louis knew everything there was to know about each other, some would prefer a friendship like theirs and others would rather a friendship like the Liam and Zayn’s, based on both trust and interest. The benefit that the two brown eyed boys shared was although they could read each other emotionally; they were never uninterested after interacting. Liam could watch Zayn bite at his lip and spell out word for word exactly how the older boy was feeling, but after watching Zayn drop a pencil on the floor on numerous occasions, it mentally challenged him to figure out why Zayn would always bend to the same angle without taking the placing of the pencil into perspective. It only intrigued Liam to find out more.

Destined for your Heart - A Ziam Mayne and Larry Stylinson story.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن