The Ballroom

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J had made it to the school's ''ballroom" it wasn't really a ballroom more than it was just the cafeteria done up to imitate a high class ballroom. But it was still rather pretty nonetheless. J scanned over the crowd. Oddly enough everyone was dressed up in bright colors. He stood out like a sore thumb in his all black tux with a pink tie and his white hair a styled mess on his head...then again he usually did stand out. Neon Lights...duh... J thought to himself. Reminding himself of the theme of the dance. Everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives. So much so no one noticed J...or if they did no one cared enough to call out to him. He didn't care if they did or not. Right now he was looking for someone. Someone he promised he'd make time for a dance with one day. Granted it was meant as a joke at the time, but he still made the promise, and he was going to carry it out. It took him a few minutes to find her. But he did, he found her in her bright orange dress her face already painted in various neon colors. J found himself entranced by the way she looked. It took several minutes but he finally got out of

his trance and started heading over to her. As he took a couple of steps someone in a purple tux made his way to her before J had a chance to even get close. It was Adam...Of course it was. What did he have planned in his head this time. J growled slightly as he started moving towards the two at a faster pace, But he stopped upon seeing Alli's smile. She was smiling...because of Adam..Jesus that's one hell of an oxymoron...J decided to hang back and watch to see what would happen. After a few minutes Adam led Alli out to where everyone else was dancing and started dancing with her. J saw that the smile on her face stayed even after they started dancing. J sighed a little at this sight Well if she's happy...I guess I got what I wanted... With that thought he turned around and started to leave the building. He heard someone calling his name, or rather the one letter that symbolized his name, by the time he reached the area outside the front entrance.

"J! J, wait up!" J turned around to see who it was calling him. At first he didn't quite realize who it was calling his name. It was Erin. One of his long time friends. "I thought you were going to be dancing with Alli...? Wasn't that the entire reason you got all spiffy and stuff?" J laughed a little at how ridiculous he must look. He never really dressed up. In fact he actually despised the idea mostly.

"Yeah. That was the plan." He said nodding in reply. "However as life loves to make obvious, plans don't always go the way they're supposed to." He ran a hand through his hair for a second before reaching into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"How do you mean...? She's in there...I saw her when I got here...Unless you mean she's already dancing with someone else." Always answering her own questions. It was something she always had a habit of doing.

"Yeah, Koage...That's what I mean" Koage was his nickname for Erin on account of her size. It meant "Small Fry" in Japanese. It was also his father's nickname for him back at the base. Also D's nickname for K. Before he died. Erin was roughly 5'4" which compared to the city average height of 5'7-8", was pretty short. "She's dancing with someone else." He said as he pulled out a cigarette from the pack and rested the butt between his lips.

"Well the dance is from six to like ten-thirty. It's only like..." Erin checked her watch. " Not even seven yet. You have like three and a half hours left yet. You could still dance with her and get what you wanted out of tonight."

"Not tonight. She's with Adam. She honest to god actually looks happy dancing with him. As shitty as that sounds..." He muttered the last part to himself as he sparked a small flame at the tip of his index finger and lit the cigarette sitting between his lips. "I figure she's happy...which in the end is what I want" He said waving his hand around a bit to extinguish the flame. "So I guess I got what I wanted."

"Are you seriously going to settle for this...? You of all people? The person who decides what he wants from a situation and never settles for less getting it...?"

"Eh...I guess so." He responded shrugging. "Tonight is just an exception or something I guess."

Erin didn't answer for a few minutes.

"Well you could still have a fun night." Erin suggested helpfully.

"Doing what, sitting at a table overlooking the dance floor managing to get a perfect view at Alli and Adam dancing together enjoying each others company? No thanks...I'm already rather salty as it stands anyway."

"No..I meant...dancing...y'know...with me...or something..." Erin said quietly. J stood there for a few minutes seemingly considering Erin's offer.

"Look, Koage...I appreciate the offer and all...But I think i'd rather be on my own for the night." He said taking a few small puffs of the cigarette before pulling it out of his mouth and placing a hand on the side of Erin's head and leaned down some planting a small kiss on the top of Erin's head. "I appreciate your thinking of me. I really do...Means a lot, not many people are out there thinking of others...besides you got Aaron waiting for you in there still probably. It'd look bad on me if he thought I was trying to steal you for my own if he saw us in there dancing." He said ruffling Erin's hair screwing up the bun she had her hair in a little bit. "But anyway...I'm going to head out...Give my love to anyone who happens to ask about me would ya...?" He didn't give Erin enough time to say anything more because by the time she could have said anything he was gone.

"Me, and Aaron broke up last night..." 

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