Godly Intervention

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 It was roughly about a 15 minutes walk with the large system of shortcuts that J had found/made within the last few years. J lingered around the edge of the school property since he was technically not allowed on school grounds after his little incident nearly a year and a half ago. He looked at the time on his phone. He happened to make it there at exactly 2:30 which is when the school let out. He walked over to the statue of the goddess Victoria, whom the school was named after. Victoria High School. J fond himself once again thinking of the name of the school as being rather ironic, since Victoria actually translates into Victory in whatever now dead language nearly half of the gods in this world were named in, and the school doesn't exactly excel in anything, the sports team never really won much of anything ever in the way of competitions. "The Lancers" ,which were named because of Victoria's common depiction as wielding a lance in battle. J knew that that was wrong, she wielded a sword. He knew this because he met her in person once or twice during his few trips to Ignis' dimension, where Victoria and Ignis were engaged in some less than godly acceptable activities. Come to think of it the gods that he met were all basically just regular people who were capable of some pretty crazy things. He shook his head as he saw Erin looking for him, then jogging towards him.

"I still think that school uniform is a bit ridiculous." J said to her once she stopped in front of him, gesturing towards the rather short skirt with his chin.

"Aw come on you know you like it."

"Eh," J shrugged slightly, "Your thighs are a sight to behold, I'll give you that. But I also don't like the idea of everyone staring you down like that."

"Awh getting jealous?" She said with a giggle.

"Although as history has proven I can't exactly stop anyone." Erin tilted her head to the slide slightly before.

"What's that supposed to mean..?" J didn't answer and just looked at her. It took a few seconds before she let out a frustrated sigh. " You mean Kai? Why are you still hung up on that? I already explained to you the basis of that whole relationship."

"Yeah well my point still stands." Erin responded with a scoff and rolled her eyes as she shoved past J.

"God, you're so damn insufferable with that shit." It took J a second to follow because he met eyes with the principal of the school who was outside to monitor the students, and make sure nothing got out of hand, but instead was watching J like a hawk. He couldn't blame her after all he almost made her lose her job, and landed her in jail, along with all the other mess that happened. Though he was surprised she didn't come at him full force with security for violating the court orders by being on school premise. He quickly broke eye contact with her before she could do just that, though something in the back of his mind told him that she wouldn't do that unless he really pushed her into a corner. He picked up pace a little to catch up to Erin.

"Well I mean, what'd you expect to be honest?"

"For you to not be hung up on the fact that I hooked up with your brother a few times nearly two years ago, for starters, maybe?" J knew he didn't have much of a basis to be giving her shit for any of what happened back then and he was just saying shit to say shit. Though it still bugged him immensely that her and Kai did hook up at all, much less 5 times.

"What did you want me here for anyway?"

"Well I mean I was gonna hang out with you at my house while mom is out, but if you're gonna be like this, I dunno about that anymore..."

"I'm sorry..." J said quietly. Erin smiled slightly.

"Nice to see you still have the mental capacity to apologize for your shit."

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