A Charitable Donation

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"What the fuck Ignis."J asked he voice dripping with anger. I told you this was important. Yet you decided to ignore me. "Doesn't give you the right cockblock me like that." I'm choosing to ignore all of those times you quote unquote cockblocked me, when I would be with Victoria. "That's not at all the same thing." J started talking a little quieter as he started to notice a few people staring at him as he talked to Ignis. They of course wouldn't have known that was what was happening, they would just see J walking down the street talking to himself. Please enlighten me as to how that's NOT the same thing. "It...Look...It just isn't. I'm not going to get into that with you right now." J could hear Ignis' laugh echo throughout his skull.That's exactly what I thought Juun. J rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure, whatever. What was so important anyways?" There has been a change in possessions of several Godly Artifacts, and with this change, Chaos. "Your point? I still have yours." Yes that you do. Though my Artifact is infused with so much of my being if I didn't want someone being my Chosen I could simply choose someone else. However this is not the truth for many of the other gods. Their Chosen are simply dictated by who possesses their Artifacts. Now for a while there has been peace, because the Chosen were accepted by their gods. Recently however more than a few Artifacts have fallen into...undesired hands. "Yeah and what do you want me to do about it? You guys a damn near omnipotent just send people after each others Chosen and kill them off so the gods can repossess their Artifacts and bestow them upon those the see worthy. You guys have done it once, why not a second time?" At this point J slipped into an empty alleyway that was mostly empty aside for a few large boxes. One of which was on it's side and contained a homeless man. Normally J wouldn't talk to Ignis in front of anyone else but if he overheard and told anyone, no one would likely believe him. Yes we have. But we have since decided that, that particular method was unnecessary, and the risk not worth the reward, and thus been long since outlawed and strongly frowned upon . "So then that brings me back around to my question before: What do you want me to do about it?" I want you to gather a team you can rely on and fight besides and help find and seek the Artifacts. "But didn't you just say that kind of thing was a no no?" Killing and bringing to Artifacts to the corresponding god for them to choose, yes. But you won't be doing that. You will choose 10 people and together you will procure the Artifacts from those that currently hold them and allow your group to become the new Chosen. "So you want me to be the median that chooses who becomes a chosen?" Yes. "How would I even choose to your guys' liking and be sure that I won't get smited by you, or Umbra, or something?" Do not worry within the next few hours you will be transported to one of our realms and we will discuss this in more detail as a committee. Now if you'll excuse me it seems the effects of the Pulveris is starting to wear off and I would much rather spend my energy on other things than trying to connect with you...Yes Vicky i'll be there in just a few moments darling...Oh ho ho, that would be interesting, though I don't believe my Chosen would enjoy having to hear that. "Do you spend any kind of time NOT getting nasty with Victoria ever at all?'' Yes but rather seldom...Though that does not concern you. "It does if you guys are doing it in my head." J didn't get a response from Ignis again, J assumed however that the effects of the cigar had effectively worn off finally, or Victoria took Ignis' attention and thus severing the connection for good, once again. J noticed the homeless man peering up at J through his mangled locks of gray hair almost covering his face.

"The fuck you looking you damn Box Jockey?" The man took a second be he did eventually look down away from J and laid down inside his box once again.

"And they said i'm crazy for choosing this life..." The homeless man muttered. J sighed and stood there a few seconds before pulling out his wallet and tossing ten bucks at the man.

"Get yourself a goddamned haircut, you look like a fucking bipedal mutt..it's disgusting." J didn't wait for a response and walked out of the alleyway deciding to walk back to his apartment for the majority of the day now that his plans had been thoroughly ruined. Thanks to your not-so-friendly neighborhood god of fire and life.

Honestly though...fuck that guy... J thought to himself as he walked off in the direction of home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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