Monrow and 3rd

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 J strayed through the streets for an hour and a half before ending up at the corner of Monrow and 3rd. The place where K died. He always ended up here when he let himself run on autopilot. He didn't know if it was guilt, or his being unable to mourn losing K correctly, or what. Despite the fact he was the one who killed K. His little brother. J leaned against the lamppost situated on the corner of the intersecting streets. He had a few flashbacks of that night, K dying, J watching his little brother die while not doing anything. (insert "K's Death Scene" here)

He shook the scenes from his head standing up off the lamppost pulling his phone out of his inner jacket pocket. He pulled up his contacts list and scrolled through the list until he came to D's contact, "1D" , He put the one before the D so that way his older brother's contact info popped up last at the very end. He pressed the name and looked at the info he had for D. Just the basic information really, Name, number, and a contact picture. The picture was a picture taken at a party the three brothers had with a giant cluster of people they hardly knew, the previous year. The picture showed J, D, and K with their arms around each others shoulders smiling. J had a bottle of beer in his hand, D had a joint in his mouth, while K had a lady he met at the party hanging off his arm,as he usually did at any given point, as he took the picture of the four of them. J smiled and chuckled as he looked over the picture.

"That was a crazy fucking night..." He said to himself softly remembering that night. The brothers woke up in a small desert town the next morning. J still didn't know where that town was to this day. Before he knew it J had pressed the call button. He realized what he did because he heard D answering the phone.

"Hello...Hello? Yo anyone there ?" It took J a few seconds to say something as he raised the phone to his ear.

"Yeah. It's me..."

"Who's 'me'?"

"Me. Your little brother. Check your caller I.D. dumbass."

"I'm going to assume you mean J, because my little brother is dead. Also I deleted your number off my phone a while ago." J forgot. D disowned him after K's death. "Anyway what the hell do you want?"

"I dunno. I'm at Monrow and 3rd...I didn't even really mean to come here...or to call you really."

"Good so that means I can hang up now."

"Wait..." He was met with an exasperated sigh.


"You remember that party last year?"

"Yeah. of course, that was the last time I saw K alive." J winced sharply at D's response.


"What about it?"

"I dunno...I happened to pull up your info on my phone just now and that's the picture I have for you."

"You mean that picture K took?"

"Yeah...Before I passed out from one too many beers, and the three of us ended up in some random ass desert town." J could hear D laughing softly.

"Yeah. Where the hell even was that town anyway?"

"Honestly I have no fucking clue." K would probably have known.

"K probably knew I think." D said making J think he read his mind for a second.

"Yeah. Probably." There was a minute of silence.

"I still blame you, you know?"

"Yeah...I do too...Blame myself I mean."

"Well you should, asshole."

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