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Oklahoma, Ohio. We’re just arrived in front of one of the many houses. This night will be rough, but I think we can beat whatever is inside this house and scaring this family.

Just look into group of few paranormal investigators. What if life after death is real? That’s question who asks many people. But they’re for evidences to confirm this question.

Hey guys!

I got new interactive. I got pretty productive day today, because I’m really bored. I hope this start will bring people to this story (maybe some spirits too) This story is inspired by my favorite document Ghost Adventures.

!!! Please fill this is one comment!!
So here is form: (if you would be interested)

Nicknames(if you got any)
Where were you born? (City, country)
Your background

Job in our team (if you didn’t know anything, I got something for you) You can pick from - Investigator, Investigator Trainee, Case Manager, Equipment Manager, Evidence Analyst, Researcher:

Or you can have some another team job:
Demonologist, Occultist, Psychic/Sensitive/Medium, Cryptozoologist, UFOlogist

How did you get to this job?
How are you brave?

What motivates you?
How do you know Tess?
Your fashion style
Your fav haunted location

Relationship status
If dating who?

His age
His personality
His username
What is your relationship looks like
Pregnant or kids?
What is his opinion on your job?

Something extra
Tags (2 or more)

And here is something to jobs up:

Investigator – An experienced ghost hunter that’s firmly involved in the investigation planning.

Investigator Trainee – A member who’s still learning the job. Usually, trainees try many of the positions listed below to find their niche.

Case Manager – A very valuable member of team who does initial research, qualifies ghost hunting leads and coordinates the investigation. He/She may or may not be a resource to the public or media.

Equipment Manager – He/She trains the investigators on equipment use and handling.

Evidence Analyst – He/She evaluates the evidence. For large teams, you may have a few analysts with an area of specialty by the equipment type like EVP.

Researcher – This may or may not be the case manager. They research the history of the haunting and may or may not interview witnesses. They get the haunting background, simply put.

Add jobs

Demonologist – They’re hard to find, but they deal with possible demonic hauntings.

Occultist – They know all about the Occult (witchcraft, paganism, divination, spiritualism, etc. It’s a broad area to cover).

Psychic/Sensitive/Medium – A person with a connection to the afterlife. This role is open to debate since it essentially overrides measurement by the equipment.

Cryptozoologist – A person who knows all about the creatures of the unknown (think Big Foot, werewolves, etc.).

UFOlogist – A person with knowledge of aliens, spacecraft and aerial phenomena. A similar role is the USOlogist, who deals with underwater phenomena.

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