2)Family Time Before Leaving

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,,So, are you really ready for that demon case?" asks me Lucy, when we're sitting in night club.

,,Not really. I feel like I need to help them, but in other way I don't feel ready," I strug shoulders and keep playing with cherry in my drink.

,,Hey, we'll be there for you. We are team. We will helo this family out of this nightmare. Just believe in that and everything's going to be good," smiles Hava at me, so I agree.

,,And that Laden's boy?"

,,How old is he anyway?" asks Hava and drinks her drink.

,,22, older than me. But it's weird between us. We're flirting with each other, got sleepovers and actually we're acting like couple. But we're not together. I'm really confused right now, " I smile and spot bunch of guys looking at us.

,,Don't worry about our little lover. Let's go dance. I think those guys wants to dance with us," smiles Lucy with flirty look at one of them.

,,I'm not feeling like flirting with someone, Lucy," I'm trying to get rid of her.

,,Let's go. At least your head stops thinking about him," she grabs my hand and then Hava's.

,,Fine, but we need to get out before midnight. I need to sleep for a while," finally I agree and smile at one of that guys.

,,Hey gorgeous girls, " one of them greets us with bright smile and I need to say he's really fit.

,,Hey handsome guys. What's up?"

,,We saw you looking at us," Hava adds with little smirk.

,,Yeah, we wanted you to invite for a drink or dance," next guy says. He's blond with bright blue eyes. Couple of tattoos on his left arm.

,,That sound good. Let's go dance then," smiles Lucy and takes his arm. Both of them leaves on the floor and next guy offers Hava his hand. She agrees with big smile and leaves too.

,,Would you like to go dance?"

,,Not yet, I want to get drink first. Wanna go with me?" I ask with wink at the end. He smiles kindly and leads me towards bar.

,,What's your name?"

,,Cameron, Cameron Monaghan. And yours, beautiful lady?" he smiles and I look at him with little bit red face.

,,Tessa Black. You're that actor who played Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska in Gotham, and also Ian Gallagher in Shameless!"

,,Yes, that's me. Aren't you lead investigator from Ghost Girls?" he asks back, I gently nods and smile.

,,My pleasure to meet you, Cameron," I offer him hand and he shakes with me.

,,Pleasure Tess, is on my side," he smiles and kiss my hand. ,,You're really brave. You show gives me creeps and goosebumps all over my body. I must say that you're fearless and absolutely stunning. I'm big fan."

,,Thank you. I'm actually big fan of Gotham. You were amazing, I loved Jerome and Jeremiah with my whole my heart," I say and drink a bit.

,,Thanks. I was really nervous everytime I was on set. But if you're saying I was amazing. And writing it down," he smile and sips a bit from his drink.

,,Same. I'm happy that you're saying you're our fan. I'm actually thankful for that," I say and Cam nods.

,,What about I will pay for this and goind for a walk," he offers.

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