Chapter 2

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She couldn't really hear anything that the people around her were saying, or if there even were people. Muffled sounds hung in her ears and she could feel how clammy her skin was. It was hot. The air around her felt humid and sticky like sweat.

Lady Masako.......I'm afraid your over heating...

The woman groaned and went to wipe the drop of sweat trying to slide down her forehead. But a cool and wet rag beats her to the action. Masako furrows her brows and gains enough energy to peak open an eye. A girl looms over her with a serious expression. She could tell that the girl was from squad four, the medical kit lies at her feet.

She finally notices that Masako is trying to wake up and gives her a gentle and pitiful smile. That's what Masako hated most, the unnecessary pity she received when people have heard that she's collapsed. No one ever gives Captain Ukitake that treatment, probably because he's a captain. But it should be no different for lieutenants.
Masako continues to lay there as the girl in front of her doesn't speak. She recognizes her, the captain sends the same girl to the manor every time Masako has something wrong with her health.

She remembers her name is Hana, she's a gentle girl who doesn't really like fights but can hold her own. Masako lets out a frustrated sigh before going to sit up. Hana stops her immediately by putting her hands on the woman's shoulders.

"Forgive me for being so forceful lieutenant Furutani but you shouldn't get up just yet, your collapse was worse this time." the smaller girl protests.

Masako huffs and gives the girl a "Really" look. She can tell that Hana is intimidated by her, she would be too if she had to assist a noble clan with their sick family member all of the time. They would want everything to be done perfectly and with skill. She smiles a genuine grin.

"I really appreciate your concern Hana-san, but I think I'm alright now." Masako tries to persuade the younger girl into letting her leave her room. She had more to discuss with her grandfather.

Hana's cheeks turn red from her shy nature and she waves her hands in front of her, "N-no problem lieutenant Furutani, but are you sure you feel alright?" She asks. Masako chuckles at her childlike personality.

"Yes I am sure, and I apologize for being such a burden to your squad. Also for the millionth time Hana-san please call me Masako."

Hana becomes flustered again at Masako being to straight forward and simply nods, "I must be getting back but I suggest stopping by squad four later today just to be sure."

Masako nods and stands once her door is slid closed. Her back pops from being in bed for so long and she sighs at the satisfying feeling. She thinks back to the previous night, during her conversation with her grandfather. She knew she heard him right, Masako wasn't a dull minded person. She straps her zanpakuto back to her hip and walks along the hallway. It was still quiet throughout the manor and Masako wondered if they kept it this way for her benefit.

It wouldn't surprise her at all if someone had scolded them for preparing meals too loud, not that Masako had any problem with them. She peaks inside the main room and sees that it's empty.

"Oh, Masako-san how are you feeling?"

She knows that feeble voice and turns to look at Misaki. She's carrying a tray with empty tea cups, a lasting smile graces her lips. This woman had been Masako's close friend when in the manor alone, she would look after her when Hachiro was away on a mission when Masako was younger.

Masako smiled back at her, "I am feeling quite well, thank you Misaki. But do you know where my grandfather is?"

Misaki frowns a bit and Masako knows that he's gone to meet with the Kuchiki clan about her marriage arrangement. Have they even spoken to him yet? This sort of information is crucial to tell, especially to someone like Captain Kuchiki. To keep it from him this long and speak about it without him is disrespectful and not to mention cruel.

"Judging by the wheels turning in your head I'm guessing that my look gave it away?" Misaki asks, a sheepish smile appearing.

Masako smiles back and waves a hand, saying that Misaki's inability to keep her face from telling everything is not her fault. Masako excuses herself and they both head in opposite directions. The sun beams brightly against Masako's face as she strolls along the back court yard of the family manor. The grass is fresh and green, the petals of the sakura tree blowing against the breeze.

Looking at them made her think of her soon to be fate. She was being forced into a marriage, but it was to keep her clan alive and the Furutani bloodline going. Masako knew she wouldn't fight them on any of this, it was half her fault that they were in this situation. She watched as the water on the small stream flowed along with a slow current.
Masako closed her eyes and let her thoughts take her away for a moment. She was careful not to get lost in them. Her grandfather had mentioned that she would eventually become the head of the Furutani Clan. But what puzzled her mind was what they would do with her home.

Once she was married then she would become the lady of the Kuchiki household, therefore she would live there. Her guess is that her grandfather would live here by himself with the helpers. A sad feeling overcame her stomach, he would just opt to live alone like that? The harsh burden that would be put onto the Kuchiki manor had also crossed her mind. She knew what had happened to his wife, Hisana all those years ago. She can't help but think the situation would be the same.
Masako opens her golden eyes and decides to visit a special place. She walks from the courtyard of the manor to a small hill in the very back, it is not noticeable to anyone unless inside the manor. The wind picks up the higher she walks up the raised ground. Three stones lie there with a Japanese maple plant behind them. Masako crouches to sit on her knees and clasps her hands in her lap.

She stares at the names engraved on the stones that lay in a horizontal line beside each other. The peaceful presence around her fills Masako with a warm feeling. This spot had always been somewhere that she came when she had a conflict to deal with that lies inside her. It was also where her grandfather came to speak with her grandmother.

寛子 Hiroko

嵩夫 Takao

秀邑, Homura

Masako can feel her throat becoming thick with tears. She wills them away, crying will do nothing. She brushed her fingers over the fire flower hair ornament that is always pinned in her hair. She can remember the exact day that she had received it from her parents. She can also remember the exact day that she lost them.

"I wish that I hadn't been such a problem for everyone. Constantly having to be looked after, you couldn't focus on your Shinigami duties with a child like me always having problems." Masako whispered, her voice beginning to crack, "Neither of you showed it though, how much stress I caused you both. You always had smiles on your faces."

"I'm sure they would have been very proud of you Masako. Especially the day you became lieutenant." a voice behind her speaks.

Masako turns from her spot on the ground but doesn't stand. The fatigue of yesterdays collapse is catching up to her. Her grandfather joins her side and lays a hand on her shoulder. She watches as he runs a hand over his wife, Homura's gravestone. He traces the kanji writing with his fingers and sighs. Masako knows that he thinks about her often, their time together hadn't seemed long enough.

"She would have been too." Masako tries to lift his spirits.

He lets out a chuckle and lets her take his wrinkle hand to assist her to stand with him. Neither of them speak for a good minute, mainly because Masako is trying to see if he has anymore information. She takes in his appearance. He must not have slept well last night, or had went to sleep late. Most likely trying to figure out Captain Kuchiki's response to his family.

"Captain Kuchiki has been informed." he begins.

He pauses and his eyes skirt towards hers, he's waiting to see if she has something to say. But Masako's eyes stay on his and her face remains unreadable. At this point she wanted nothing more than to know his answer and hoped more than anything that he had made a huge scene and they would call this all off. Maybe she could save him from this.
Hachiro clears his throat and runs a hand down his graying beard before speaking again.

"I will not tell you what he was told of our situation, nor will I speak of how he had taken the news. I imagine that he was the same as you, but he cannot object to this marriage. Ginrei Kuchiki has already explained what is to be done." Hachiro continues.
Masako nods, there isn't much else for her to say or ask. She had figured captain Kuchiki wouldn't be fond of this arrangement. She wasn't either but it was worse for him, Masako had not yet experienced the type of love for someone like he had for Hisana.

"Is that all?" Masako asks, she hadn't intended on sounding like a spoiled brat but it had come out as if she would rather be some place else. She sort of did.

Hachiro shook his head, "No. Both you and I shall meet for a dinner at the Kuchiki manor tomorrow evening to discuss further things. Since you and captain Kuchiki are familiar with each other it will not be necessary for you both to formally meet. Afterwards you will not see each other until the wedding."

Masako nods, "It's already been decided?"

Hachiro gives a firm nod, "We had decided immediately after the discussion of and arranged marriage was brought up. We just wanted to give you both time. The wedding is scheduled to be held after tomorrow."
Masako can feel herself becoming anxious, the situation of her life changing was turning real.

"I will not openly object this marriage Oji-san. But I hope that I am accepted and that this will bring a new look to the Furutani and Kuchiki clan." she says.

She didn't wait for her grandfather to respond to her. She didn't want to. Masako left him on the tiny hill and went back to her own chambers. She sat on the mat and crossed her legs, laying her zanpakuto in front of her lap. She had to speak with Eteru Kasai.

**Here we go! chapter 2! I hope you guys like it**

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