Chapter 4

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Shiromuku- traditional wedding kimono.
Montsuki- black formal kimono worn by the man, with a black kimono jacket and pants.

Everything was going as Masako had expected it to be. Staff bustling about, endless conversations, getting no time to herself. As soon as Masako had woken up, her environment has been running nonstop with preparing the wedding. She hasn't seen her grandfather at all, nor has she seen her captain and squad.

 Masako had tried to convince Hana to allow her to sneak away and do some paperwork, anything to be in the quite thoughts of her mind. Of course Hana said no, that and Masako knew the woman could never keep a secret.

The ceremony was being held at the Furutani clans manor. Everyone had agreed that the reception afterwards would be held in the beautiful courtyard at the Kuchiki manor. Masako was sure that Ginrei had protested about having the wedding at the manor, but her family had always been married there.

Masako took a deep breath as her hair was pulled once again, the multiple apologizes from the staff becoming a constant tune in her head. Her hair was being styled up, the hairpin that she usually wore lays in front of her. Masako had made sure that they put it back before the ceremony. She would not marry without that hairpin.

As the staff styled her hair she couldn't help but think about what captain Kuchiki was doing. The curiosity of whether he was nervous or not had crossed her mind. But she pushed it away, he wouldn't be nervous.

 She knew that he could keep his composure and not let anything show on his face that he did not want to show. He knew how these ceremonies worked. Masako wished that they had had more time to speak with each other, although last night was the only full conversation that they had ever encountered with one another. Other than that it had always been short answers and head shaking. She remembered her grandfather saying that they were familiar with one another, but he wasn't entirely correct.

Yes, Masako knew who he was she was a lieutenant after all. But other than seeing him out in the Seireitei and delivering paperwork to Renji she had never really thought of registering him. Never had she thought that she would marry him one day. 

Masako began to grow nervous, that feeling of complete anxiety building inside her. She overthinks is what her mother used to tell her, but she had a right to overthink about today. What if he doesn't show up? What if she falls?
Her mind was an endless amount of problems and back and forth of what could happen. By the end of this day she would no longer have the name Furutani, she would become a Kuchiki.

The staff moved on, beginning to do her make up. Masako never prided herself on doing much with her appearance. A little powder hear and there, something around the eyes was enough for her. But she could tell that these women were applying ten times the regular amount. Masako could only hope she would not look like a clown.

She could only sit there, pushing away the feelings of dread and embarrassment. Eteru Kasai hadn't communicated with her yet and that worried Masako. It felt like everyone that was important in her life at the moment was no where in sight. She wondered where her grandfather could possibly be. Knowing him, he would be making the final preparations.

Her makeup application went quicker than expected and Masako found herself being manhandled into her traditional Shiromuku.
It was simple and completely white, Masako noticed the headpiece sitting on the chair. It was far out of the way, forgotten. She guessed that since she had insisted so hard that she wear her hairpin that they decided to just forget the headpiece.

The women slipped the white material around her body. It fit snug and confined to the curves of her body. Masako pat the material down and felt at its soft fabric, gazing at herself in the mirror. Her breath hitched but only for a second. Her face was caked in a powder that suited her skin tone, her eyes were outlined perfectly in a dark liner, and her lips were colored in a crimson red tone. Masako had to admit it, she felt beautiful and definitely looked like a bride. But the more she stared at herself, the white Shiromuku getting more and more white. Masako could feel the familiar sensation in her stomach, the constant flutters that had her swallowing repeatedly.

She stepped from the platform they had her standing on and laid a hand over her stomach. Immediately the women flocked to her side, firing questions at the poor woman.

"Lady Furutani are you alright?"

"Do you need some water?"

"You look flushed, do you need to lay down?"

Masako held up her hand, which silenced the chattering at once. She hated to use the fact that she was noble to make them be quiet but at the moment it was necessary. Masako just wanted to be alone, even only for a moment.

"I need a moment please. I promise to return before the ceremony." Masako reassures the wild looks of concern they were giving her.

She slips from the room and begins to hurry her feet down the long hallway. Her breathing picks up as she breaks into a small jog out into the courtyard of their manor. She hangs a hand on the wall beside her for support, taking in vast amounts of the fresh air around her. Masako lets them out in quicks beats and makes her way up the small hill for a second time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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