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Hi everyone I just wanna say this story takes place a year after Koro-Sensei's death. I hope you enjoy the story!

Isogai's P.O.V

Yay...another year of being judged for being mute... I honestly wish I wasn't like this but I'm still recovering from that accident 7 years ago -Flashback- A drunk drivers car turns too fast and spins towards Isogai's family and Maehara who was with them,"You're so silly Mae-Dad!!!!" Young Isogai screams for his father to move away like everyone else but his father notices the car too late,Yuuma's father died. -End of flashback- Replaying this memory in his mind Isogai begins to cry,I miss him. A few minutes later Isogai is still crying not noticing his best friend at the door calling his name,"Isogai."Maehara calls him a few more times until Isogai notices him. Yuuma sits up on his bed startled he starts writing in his notepad: Sorry I didn't hear you. "It's fine you were crying though did you remember that day again?" Maehara walks over to him concerned. Isogai nods and writes in his notepad again:Yeah... 

Maehara's P.O.V

I'm concerned about him even though that incident happened seven years ago,he hasn't talked since he only uses his notepad to talk. "Come in today's the start of summer let's go do something to take you mind off that day."I tell him hoping it will distract him. He nods then I leave to let him change  I guess I could take to his favourite places as a treat I want to at least smile a little bit. He comes down stairs and then we go to some the places Isogai likes going to from time to time and thats what we ended up doing for the rest of the day -Time skip night- We get back to Isogai's house really late "Damn it already 8:45?!" I say to him looking at my watch surprised. You live 1 hour away right? You can stay at my house if you want. I look at time again before reluctantly saying yes, we go inside a rest up for the night. -The next day-

3rd person P.O.V

Isogai twisted and turned but he couldn't sleep he couldn't bear the fact that his family was in debt to someone and whats worse is,that they asked for a unesscessary amount of money: £120,520. What could Isogai do about it sure,he had a part time job but he had to pay the debt and the end of this year which was 4 months away and surely he couldn't ask for anyone to help him,he didn't want to bring anyone into this so what should Isogai do about it? His hands were tied (But not literally) and he got a letter saying if he didn't pay what he owed this unknown person,the unknown person would frame him for a murder somehow. Isogai got up from his bed and walked over to Maehara's room.

Sorry I have to end this chapter here if I actually have a chance at posting this chapter. Bye!

Breaking his silenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora