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Happy pi day!!

'Cause you know...it's March 14th...haha get it

Yeah, this is why I'm very awkward around people irl.

During science class, we measured circular shaped things to get pi. Near the end of class, a lucky group of ten people would have to share their findings and will eat pie, while the rest of the class eats this-weird-cookie-thing.

I guess who was called?

Yep, ya gal Rosy got some of dem pie after presenting my findings to the class, which was very awkward-

I just shared my measurements of a tin cap-

But eh, I'm not complaining, school is already over.

But I will continue to ramble because that's what I do best!

So yeah, after the ten kids were called (the number generator picked me twice hhh), we got our food.

Now let me tell you, I hate pie...with a passion. I almost threw up when I finished eating it.

So you might wonder, why would I eat it if I knew that I might vomit?

Well dear reader, I like to be an arrogant thorn sometimes and rub it in people's faces that I got pie and they didn't, only because of pure luck. So of course I chugged that dutch apple pie slice in my mouth just because-

So yeah, that's how my day has been.

Still waiting for James to post a vid on Pi Day tho (only og fans will get the reference)..

Sharpie doodle because, like I said many times, this is an art book, I need to have art in each chapter.

Sharpie doodle because, like I said many times, this is an art book, I need to have art in each chapter

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Bleh, I already finished my homework early, so I'm gonna try to work on recording my new video. Trying to get it out on the weekend so I can also work on some fanfics, but I might be going somewhere, bleh.


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