coming out

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Okay yeah yeah I know, I know my sexuality my seem very obvious to some of you but I just thought I should make this official.

I thought very hard on what kind of people I like, their genders, etc and ect. But I'm coming to a conclusion now.

I'm gay.

Or lesbian to be specific.

I know I have an obsession with a male character right now (totallynotlancehh), but I never felt romantically obsessed, if you will.

In real life, I like girls wayy more. I like their outfits, body (yeahjustskipthatone), and so much more. I just feel more attracted to girls. Sometimes I have sexual thoughts- but nothing too bad. Only thoughts about my crush and I kissing, or hanging out.

However with boys, the closest thing to romance I ever thought of with a boy was hugging them (imeanmyboylancedeservesahug). But when I started asking myself, would I kiss this man? Or, do you find him attractive? I just think, "nah, dude."

I think this also explains a lot in my personal life, too.

I had numerous boys from school who were rumored to like-like me, but I never felt the same way. I just assumed I was asexual or aromantic, and that's it.

I barely had many friends that were girls at the time as well, I mostly hanged out with the nerdy or chill guys. So maybe that's why I never thought of liking girls like I do now? But still.

When I was younger, I longed for a best friend who would be a girl and would be there for me whenever I needed them. My gutt and heart still holds that strong wish within me so haha, more proof that I am hella gay.

It also explains so many things, like why I felt so alone and terrible in 7th grade, although I had a great male friend with me in most of my classes, who I can pair up with all the time (I took advantage of that, and would do anything for that again)

I also had thoughts about certain things at a young age. Like, "Hmm, I wonder why a girl doesn't save the damsel in distress," or "What if two girls liked each other?" I eventually shoved those thoughts down, thinking I was stupid, until I came across the LGBT community when I was in 5th grade? Possibly 6th?

I thought it was weird. Unheard of. Something that I thought was impossible.

But I also felt happy? Like, I wanted to see them fight for their rights?

Maybe that's why I feel strongly towards LGBT topics, haha.

So yeah. I'm pretty sure I'm gay.

I decided to come out after the major support on my transgender chapter. I'm thankful for all the votes (it was over 10, sksk) and comments (I wasn't able to reply on the school chromebooks and I was to lazy to reply with my tablet). I really appreciate it. Really.


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