4. Vacation Fun

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Tonight was the night- The big thrilling masquerade. I'd never been to one before, but the thought of being behind a mysterious mask was an enticing idea. I was nervous, slightly nauseous, and excited, but that was nothing new for me. What I mean is, I feel the same way whenever there's any new intriguing unknown event or adventure coming my way. It's something about not knowing what to expect. I get anxious and sometimes jittery from the unknown.

This morning I had a strange feeling that I couldn't escape. It was an odd feeling that I was missing something important. Dejavu perhaps? If I could explain it any other way, I would. I felt like a stranger in the memory of a half-made dream, if that makes any sense. It was one of those moments when you remember traces of a dream or you remember that whatever it was had to be important somehow.
That's as far as I could get in my thoughts, besides the faint recollection of smelling alcohol blurred with mint. Maybe it was from my mojito last night. I licked my lips and tried not to think about what was on my mind. Dreams feel real all the time, is what I told myself.

After the alarm went off, it took me a good 30 minutes to wake up Lana. I guess since she started drinking before me, I got an early nap in, she's in a lighter weight class, and probably hadn't eaten anything of substance before she started, then she probably couldn't handle her liquor as well as she thought she could.

I couldn't believe we slept past breakfast. In our dazed tired state, we didn't feel like going down to any restaurants to eat lunch either. When we both were fully awake, we changed into our lounging clothes, washed our faces from the night before's makeup, and relaxed a bit.

We ended up eating most of the snacks they graciously gave us on our welcome tray before battling with our lack of willpower and urge to do nothing. We finally forced ourselves to shower and leave the room for a quick snow tubing adventure. It really took us a while to hype ourselves up for just that. I guess we were in our lazy hangover moods. Fighting the temptation to do absolutely nothing is a vacation prerequisite in my opinion. My logic was that vacations are meant to be relaxing and not forced. Lana's logic was that vacations were meant to be a chance to try new things we wouldn't normally do. We were both right.

I almost had cold feet, as we made our way up the hill to where the snow tubes were. I saw people flying down the hill like bats out of hell. They picked up speed until they slowed to a calm finish on a level landing area at the bottom. I'd decided that I was going to the smaller tubing area where the majority of the people were really young. I just needed a feel for it before I put my life in frosty cold danger. Lana decided to just go for it. They had more tubing space and while I was still in line, I heard Lana's voice as she screamed with excitement and slight sounds of insanity going down the hill.

I shook my head and laughed as I watched her rush past then slow to a graceful stop at the bottom. While I was waiting in line with the other 20 strangers, 15 of which were probably under the age of 12, I couldn't stop thinking about my night. It was a nice start to a great vacation. I kept trying to remember what dream I had but my memory failed, oh well. I played things back in my head like a list- We met the guys, we talked, we laughed, we drank, then we passed out from drunken exhaustion. I lingered with my thoughts on the guys. Would we see them again? Just because I didn't want to sleep with him last night, didn't mean I was done with wanting to see him and maybe hang out. He was interesting and could hold a conversation better than the guys I usually come across. I guess I'll have to see if they show up.

Lana and I popped some ibuprofen when we got up from our headaches and that was that, nothing special about it the night other than the guys. The only odd thing was that we slept so dang long, but it didn't feel like it at all. It's like time skipped forward. The guys were nice, even if they did give off player vibes part of the time.

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