7. Opening Up

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The wall was the perfect crutch for my wavering stroll, until I sobered up. I tried to focus on the floor so that I wouldn't stumble but that didn't work as well as I had hoped. This hallway seemed longer than before.

What was that song I liked "duh duh duh dum,duh duh duh dum I still feel nothing. If pillows could talk- "

"Tav...Tav...ms Taviana!? Are you ok?"

I quickly looked towards the direction of whoever was calling my name. "Oh, I completely forgot he was walking next to me. What happened to Brad, again? Oh yeah he had things to do or something like that. He went from adamantly wanting me to join him upstairs to saying "got to go" in a more polite way and leaving me after his conversation with mr. Jaxon here.

"oh, yes. I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm fine. But I asked you a question about your stay and you went silent before you began humming and singing some random words. Maybe we should get you some water and something to eat."

Something to eat? That wasn't a good idea. He was unaware of the fact that five minutes before that when we passed a restroom and I went in, I was forced to relieve myself of the food I had eaten earlier that night. I normally don't throw up when I'm drunk but I guess there is a first time for everything. He definitely didn't need to know that information though. I washed my mouth with water and was back at his side. Before that, we had been talking about things that I honestly can't remember.

"Oh, sorry" I laughed louder than I expected to sound. I was trying to remember this song I meant to get that popped back up in my head...dont you hate that- when you can't remember a dang song...so I guess Brad had to go, huh? Ya know, he reminds me of this guy Zac I went out with twice back in high school. They both have this weird control thing going on that I can feel, but anyway that's not important. What were we talking about again"

Was I rambling. I kind of felt like I was uncontrollably doing it.

"Oooh kay, well you dont have to worry about Brad. He probably got called away on business or forgot to turn off the lights at home." He shrugged as he slowed his stride to match mine.

"Is there-" he was about to say something but his phone buzzed. He sighed in frustration as he looked at the caller, then picked it up "I'm on my way back now" he replied before anyone could have possibly spoken. He looked at me then straight ahead clenching his jaw. "I know... I'm just down the hall. I had to take care of something...yes I know. No. You don't have to- damnit!"

Whoever it was must've hung up. He looked at his phone intently then started to text someone. Was I even there. Now I think he forgot my presence all together as his fingers powerfully typed away at his screen.

He placed his phone back in his pocket and looked at me "Sorry about that, miss Taviana. Work around here is never finished, it seems."

"It's all good. You can call me Tav, you know." We kept walking slowly down the corridor until I saw a short older man walking towards us with a mission.

"Okay miss Tav, where we're we?Damnit!" I heard Jaxon mumble the swear word under his breath as he saw the man. We stopped walking as they came face to face. The man gave me a courteous smile and nod before pulling Jaxon aside.

I tried not to eavesdrop, but that sure as hell wasn't happening at that moment. I took the time to sit on a chair we were passing in the hallway. I closed my eyes for a moment as I drifted in and out of paying attention. The night had been fun so far, even with throwing up. I was really trying to push my nausea back down and collect my senses once again. I didn't even care what they were talking about anymore. All I heard was that the older man was his dad. I just felt relaxed and calm. I covered myself with my shawl and decided a little two minute nap wouldn't hurt, then I could get back to the partying.

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