First Steps

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You were fed up with being ignored by your mom and your uncles, Clint and Steve, who were gathered in the living room talking amongst themselves. You were in your playpen, which you didn't even like, so you shakily got to your feet and slowly walked over to your mom. She stopped talking and watched with wide eyes as you reached Clint and grasped onto his leg. She swooped you into the air with a big smile as you laughed and hugged her head.


You saw the red leather jacket.
You wanted the red leather jacket.
You'd get the red leather jacket.
It hung on the coat rack and it seemed an awful long way from where you were sitting in front of a pile of blocks. As you steadily got to your feet, you inched towards the coat rack with slow but determined steps. Once you were close enough, you ripped it off the rack and fell on your bottom, hugging it close. Your mom was watching you the whole time and hurried over to hug you and coo proudly over your small accomplishment.


You were hungry.
And everyone was eating. You didn't want your bottle anymore because what everyone else was munching on looked a lot more appetizing. You pushed yourself to your feet with the metal arm Tony had built you and waddled towards the kitchen. Before you knew it, you were in the air and your dad was nuzzling your cheek with shining eyes while your Uncle Steve was giving you a big thumbs up. You didn't care.
You wanted the food.


Your dad was beckoning urgently for you to get up and walk to him, but you refused. You were more interested in your little toy work box. Frustrated, he threw his hands up and began to walk away, immediately scaring you. You cried out to him and stood up on shaky legs, walking as fast as you could. Pepper clapped loudly and he turned around to see you chasing after him with tears in your eyes. He picked you up and squeezed you tightly to his chest, whispering about how proud he was and he'd soon build you a suit of your own.

(Which Pepper, unfortunately, heard.)


He was in the training room with Natasha and you were getting bored, fast. You picked yourself up off the floor and began to casually toddle towards the punching bags. Natasha stopped what she was doing and pointed at you. Clint turned and was so shocked, he accidentally shot an arrow into the punching bag you were holding onto, sand spilling out all over you. He quickly ran and pulled you out of the sand and you giggled as he kissed you on the cheek.


Steve was home after a mission and watching intently as you used the coffee table to pull yourself into a standing position. He gestured for you to come to him and you slowly, but surely, walked all the way from the table into his arms. He swung you around excitedly, covering your face in kisses and immediately called Bucky to tell him what had just happened. A few minutes later, an out-of-breath Bucky burst through the door and Steve set you down, laughing as you walked right up to your uncle as he bribed you with celebratory ice cream.


Loki was carrying you out into the garden where Thor was because you had just woken up from your nap. Neither of you could see where he had went, so Loki took you to play among the flowers. He carefully set you on your feet and you wobbled a bit before gaining your balance and confidently walking through the grass. You didn't see your father, but you heard his booming voice as he cheered you on. He suddenly appeared out of nowhere and threw you into the air. You went a lot higher than he expected and came back down crying, much to Loki's amusement.


He was a little busy and you were sitting in the baby proof corner of the lab, patiently waiting for him when Tony walked in. As all babies are, you were partial to shiny things and Tony's car keys were sticking out of his pocket. So, determined to get your little hands on the shiny thing, you picked yourself up and slowly waddled over to Tony. Once you reached his leg, you tugged the keys out of his pocket and stuck it in your mouth before casually walking away. You jumped and dropped the keys when you heard a loud cheer, falling on your knees only to be scooped right up and smashed to your dad's chest as he hugged you tight and laughed in amazement at finally seeing you take your first steps.


You didn't know how it happened. It was much too fast for you to understand. All you knew was that you wanted the lollipops on the table and suddenly, you were there. You didn't care, you got your lollipops, but your dad was watching you with big eyes and an open mouth. You thought you were in trouble then, but he pulled you into a big hug and almost squeezed the life out of you. What you didn't know was that you had taken your first steps-not the normal kind, though.


He was occupied by the big book he was reading and you were getting annoyed. You were sitting in the middle of the library and it was almost unnerving, the way you heaved yourself onto your feet and slowly marched over to your dad with a frown. He looked up, surprised and beckoned you closer. Once you caught onto his fingers, he picked you up and settled you into the crook of his arm, murmuring softly about how smart you are and how much he loves you.

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