Is This Real

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Noon came around very quickly and I was feeling very mixed emotions. Does he know how much I obsess over him? Does he know that if this is just a silly game I'm gonna be highly disappointed? And the worst part was, I had no idea how to find the answers to any of my questions. I couldn't just come out and ask him if he truly likes me. I didn't want to look like that type of clingy girl. I still can't believe I am going on my second date with him. He is beyond perfect. When I was little, I would fantasize how my dream wedding would be. Of course when I was that age, Josh Hutcherson was the groom. I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this in my head so back to waiting for him.

The doorbell rang and I nearly flew out of my seat on the couch. I tried to calm myself down so it didn't look like I had been waiting for him to much. Unfortunately when I answered the door my "hey" came out as a high pitched squeal. "Hey" he replied somewhat blushing. "I got you these" he said while passing me a dozen roses.

"Aww, thank you so much!"

"Your welcome," Now his face was as red as a tomato. I was about to explode on the inside. Niall is always so kind and considerate to everyone. I couldn't compensate how talented he was with anything either. I can only hope that this is how he treats everyone.

"So where are we going?!"

"Um, well I'm not sure if you like this place but do you wanna go to Panera?"

"Oh my goodness yes I love that place!"

"Okay good." He replied. I wondered if his face could get any redder. We walked down the sidewalk side by side until we got to his car. When I got to my door he quickly opened it and then closed it for me. Now it was my turn to blush. I realized that all of the windows were completely tinted so you couldn't see in. I decided to break the awkward silence by asking him a question.

"Are we gonna have to wear those disguises again?"

"Probably not, I rented the whole place."

"The whole place?! You didn't have to do that for me!"

"But I wanted to," he said while focusing on the busy California roads. He was so sweet. I could not wait to get to the place so we could talk for hours like last time. I knew already that this was gonna be one of the best dates of my life. And it's barely even started.

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