Hospital Bed

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A/N I'm such a bad person for not updating. I honestly kinda forgot about this. winter break is soon so hopefully another one will be up then. sorry xx

Beep. Beep. Beep. The heart rate monitor finally evened out. His eyes opened, his world no longer dark. White furniture filled the room. This wasn't his room, this wasn't his bed, this wasn't his hotel. He felt someone holding his hand. His vision was still blurry and there was striking pain in his leg and lower back. Suddenly the hand accompanying his was gone. Voices were heard among him as his eyes started to focus.
"Niall? How are you feeling?"
He couldn't respond, he didn't know what it felt like to talk. He opened his mouth to speak, but his words came out in a jumbled mess.
"Waht happenppened gunshots, Cawlie. Callie!"
He slowly started to gain back his memory. The kiss. The pool. The text. Running. Gunshots. Callie. He heard who he assumed was the doctors voice
"Someone go get the girl, maybe it will calm him down."

How long was I out? What happened? I hope everyone else is okay. This is not what the band needs right now. "Ni your awake!"
"How are ya feelin,"
"We missed you man."
I was overwhelmed and surrounded by the boys. Harry had lied down at the foot of the bed, resting his head on his hands. Liam was pacing back and forth to the left of me and Louis and Zayn were standing off to the sides of the bed asking a bunch of questions I didn't know the answers to. I decided to mess with them.
"Who are you guys!?" I said in my most concerned and confused voice. Harry's face paled as he slowly climbed off the bed, and Louis and Zayn slowly started to back away. It was then that I realized Liam was on the phone, so he had no idea what was going on.
"What do you mean, Niall? It's us Harry and Liam and Louis and Zayn. Don't you remember? Cause if you don't were screwed."
I stared at them for over two minutes before I decided that I should probably tell them I knew who they were before Louis and Liam started to freak out.
"Got ya! I could never forget my best mates! How long have I been out?"
Harry scratched the back of his head worriedly. " Erm about two weeks."
"Two weeks?!"
"Yup." Harry replied popping the p.
"Where's Callie? Is she okay? Are you guys okay? What happened? I'm so confused will someone please explain."
At that moment the door opened and four people entered the room. A doctor came in first with a fancy machine he was probably going to plug into me. Next came my parents, who I missed so dearly and wondered why they were here. And finally came the person I was waiting for-Callie.
"Niall I have a few questions to ask you after your done visiting but for now I just have to check your blood pressure and hook you up to this. Is that alright?"
I nodded my head, I was too engulfed by the beautiful woman standing in front of me.
"How are you?"
"Well apparently I just woke up after being asleep for two weeks, but other than that I'm fine."
She giggled before I glanced over at my parents.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"We came when we found out about the accident to make sure you were okay."
"Can someone please explain to me what happened?"
"Mr. and Mrs. Horan, boys, can Niall and I have a minute?" She asked. It seemed she had gotten to know my parents well by the way she talked to them. Her long legs carried her over to the side of my bed, where she sat down.
After clearing her throat she began to speak.
"So where do I begin?"

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