[2] a time to travel

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"Mom?" Alexis asked unsurely as Bill and I re-entered the dining room."What's going on?" I slid into my seat silently, not ready to face whatever was going happen. Taking a shaky breath I made eye contact.

"Kenny, could you excuse us for a minute." The boy nodded, stepping outside the house, "Alexis, your father and I are going away for a few days and I need you to stay at Kenny's or your aunt Martha can come stay with you." I spoke calmly, pushing my bowl away, any appetite I had gone.

"But I want to go with you." She argued, her eyebrows pinched.

"Alexis, no."


"Your mother said no goddamnit." Bill snapped. I gave a weary sigh as Alexis' eyes widened. I was always the disciplinary one, so it was strange for Bill to snap at her. She mumbled an okay before sulking off to find Kenny.


"Yes." He responded, his head staring blankly at his bowl.

"Are you okay?" He looked up at me.

"Are you?" I bit my lip, he already knew the answer.

"Im worried about her, I don't want her getting hurt." I nodded from across the table, stabbing my beef aimlessly. "Do you think Its back?"


"This is so dumb " I whined pacing around my bedroom. The walls were plastered with one direction posters, even though they had broken up a while ago, I didn't have the heart to take them down. "I have to find a way to get on the plane to wherever they are going." Kenny rolled over on my bed, kicking his feet up.

"Well you could sneak in their luggage. I mean your dad always brings so much shit." Kenny suggested, looking at his cuticles. A smile lit up on my face at the idea.

"You're a genius Ken!" I squealed jumping up and down. "He always brings his computer and a fucking typewriter, which I still don't understand why he uses, it's literally 2017, like dude use a laptop." I rambled, taking a duffle bag out of my closet. Kenny laughed at me. "Shut up."

"You really doing this?" He quizzed.

"Well yeah, what do you think I'm doing?" I replied sarcastically, placing some of my belongings into the bag.

"Have fun with that Lex, I have to go." Kenny told me as he rolled off my bed and onto the floor.


"Yeah, movie night at home."

"Have fun." I told him.

"Same to you, Lex." With that he left. Now I just needed to find their bag.


It was the next morning and Bill and I stood outside the house, waiting patiently for Jason, our chauffeur, to load Bills bag into the car. It was the last one. I glanced wearily at my watch, the plane left in 2 hours.

"This bag is really heavy." Jason grunted, finally getting the bag into the car.

"Shouldn't be any heavier then usual." Bill told him, a look of confusion on his features. I gave him a pointed look, before shaking my head and hopping in the backseat.

"Must you bring the typewriter, Bill, we're going to Derry." I asked, opening a beer. I was unsure why he always had to bring his damn typewriter, especially when we were going to Derry Maine.

"Yes Cher, I do, you never know when inspiration might strike." He told me. I rolled my eyes, he was so stupid sometimes.

"Are all ready?" Jason asked. We both nodded. Jason hit the gas and we were off.

"Cher," Bill said gently squeezing my shoulder. I snapped up and looked at him, "we're here." I looked out the window and sure enough we had arrived at the airport, the crisp white building blinding me. I sighed slipping my black Jimmy Choo shades over my face. Jason drove around to the back entrance as he always did to avoid large crowds of fans trying to get a piece of me. I knew Alexis had this problem too as sometimes she would come home and cry over how many people stopped her and made her uncomfortable. It hurt, seeing your child in pain for something you did.

Once the car stopped we were greeted by the airport staff. They led us into the building as Jason struggled to grasp both of our bags. Luckily a flight attendant saw and helped. Jason was going to get a raise.


The bumps of the car were sickening, but the plane was worse. I'm not sure how they didn't catch me but they didn't check the bag. At this point I wish they had because the plane was unbelievably bumpy from this spot. The plane bounced once again and I squeezed my eyes shut. I forgot how much I hated planes. One time when I was little there was really bad turbulence and the plane had almost crashed. Scariest moment of my life.

After what felt like hours I felt the plane coming down. I liked this part, the only part of the ride I liked, getting off. I heard a grunt as a person picked up the bag I was in.

"Why is this bag so damn heavy." A males voice said. I bit my lip, stopping a chuckle.

"I don't know just put it on the baggage claim." Then there I went up onto the moving platform. I could picture the black stretcher with my dads bag on it, that's what I looked like I hope. I heard my dad grab the bag and grunt. Why was everyone grunting am I really that fucking heavy!?

"Damn this is heavier then usual." I heard him say to my mother. She laughed.

"Bill I don't know what to tell you. I told you to stop bringing that damn typewriter everywhere we go." I smirked. My mom was sassy. That's probably where I got it. Everyone told me I was feisty little thing. "Shit Bill we have dinner in a half hour!" She cursed. At the thought of food my stomach growled.

"Stomach shush!" I scolded myself. Now was not the time to get caught, I had already made it.

"Shit, you're right." And with that I was being dragged. I guess my "strong" father couldn't carry the bag.  This was going to be a long day.

Hey did I update after a year yes I did. Is IT chapter 2 out yes it is. I'm sorry this took me so long !!

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