Chapter 23

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Sophia waited until the next week before starting to stay with Chris. She packed a bag and headed over on the subway, and she had to admit that she was nervous. She knew that since this was the first time she was going to sleep over at her father's house, it was going to be weird at first. Missie and Luke were crying as soon as she left because they didn't want their sister to be gone for two whole nights and not be there to tuck them in with their mother.

Sophia was crying too because she hated how upset her siblings were and that not only was this one of her first nights away from her siblings but one of her first nights away from her Mother and spending time with Chris instead.

"Hey!" Chris exclaimed as he saw Sophia walk up the stairs from the subway. She walked over to him and hugged him tightly as she buried her face in his shirt. He was a little confused by her sudden embrace, but he hugged her back just as tightly.

"Are you okay, Soph?" Chris breathed before he kissed the top of her head. Sophia nodded against his chest but didn't step back.

"Hon-" He started, and Sophia finally stepped back and sighed.

"Sorry... it was just so hard leaving the twins behind and my mom... I don't really go anywhere but Koda's for sleepovers, so this is weird." Sophia whispered. She didn't realize that she had a few tears on her cheeks until Chris took the pads of his thumbs and gently wiped them away.

"Honey, we don't have to do this if you aren't ready. I'll drive you home."

"No! Dad! Please!"


"No. I need to do this. I have to get used to this because you are my father and I want to spend time with you. And I want to be able to spend time with-" Sophia didn't get her statement out before Chris was holding up his hand and answering a call.

"Chris Meloni." He breathed, before mouthing that he was sorry to Sophia.

"Yes! We will be there soon. Thank you." Chris spoke, before hanging up. He looked at Sophia and smiled.

"Carly is in labor. How would you feel about going to the hospital with me-"

"Duh! Let's go, Dad!"


Sophia and Chris sat in the hospital for hours as they waited for Alexander to be born. Sophia had called Mariska and asked to be called in the next morning because she was going to be exhausted in the morning. Mariska agreed, but she was a little nervous about how Chris was going to deal with their daughter and a newborn. She was scared that he was going to get distant with Sophia once Alexander made his entrance into the world.

"Kid, promise me something... okay?" Chris spoke, and Sophia nodded.

"I'll promise you anything, but becoming a nun. I don't want that." Sophia laughed softly.

"Kid, please wait to have a baby until after you are married, okay? Because you are gonna want someone in the room with you when the time comes." Chris spoke, and Sophia winced a bit at the thought. She is only 16 and doesn't plan on having kids until she is much older.

"Yeah, I can promise you that, Dad," Sophia replied. She adjusted her glasses before just taking them off and cleaning them off. Chris stood up and started to pace the waiting room as they both listened to the sounds of crying babies that came from all different directions.

Sophia watched as her father paced once she put her glasses back on. She noticed how his hands were shaking and how his face had lost all of its color. She was wondering if Chris was this nervous when her mother was in labor. If he had been in the room with Mariska or was out in the waiting room.

"Dad?" Sophia questioned.

"Yeah, kid?" He replied.

"What were you doing while Mom was in labor with me?" Sophia questioned.

"I was laying in a bed in her room because I had fainted." He laughed.

"You fainted? Geez." She laughed.

"Honey, your mother was in so much pain that I couldn't handle it. She's a strong woman, never complains about being in pain or when she doesn't feel good, but she was crying and getting sick. It was horrible and heartbreaking."

"But you got me." Sophia smiled, and Chris looked at his daughter and nodded.

"The best gift I've ever gotten."

"Mom said the same thing... kinda." Sophia grinned. She stood up and walked over to her father and hugged him. She mumbled a pray since she started to get more into church since Peter and Olivia had started to date again, and she prayed until the nurse came out.

"Mr. Meloni?" She questioned, and Sophia and Chris parted and walked over to the nurse.

"Yeah?" He asked, and the nurse smiled at him and Sophia.

"Your son is here. He is healthy and so is his mother. Would you like to see them?" She asked.

"Go, Dad. I'll wait out here." Sophia smiled.

"Okay. I love you, Soph. You can see him soon, I promise."


Nearly three hours after Alexander was born, Sophia was allowed to see him. She quietly walked into Carly's room and gave her a nervous wave before walking over and sitting down beside her father. Chris passed Alexander over to Sophia. Sophia felt like she would break her baby brother, but as she got used to holding his small body in her arms she started to cry. It was weird to her. She was a big sister again, and it was just as special of a moment holding Alexander for the first time, as it was when she met Missie and Luke for the first time.

"Hi, Zander. Aren't you a cutie." She whispered, before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. The small baby wrinkled his nose up before letting out a loud and angry cry. Sophia stood up when Chris reached for him, and she started to sway a bit as she held her baby brother close. She was determined to calm him down, and she did.

"I love you, buddy... so much."

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