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"Jaron?" Imogen's voice called from the window on my left. A second later, her head peeked out from inside. "You're needed in the east drawing room."
    I had snuck off in the early morning hours to go for a climb on the walls of the castle gardens. Ever since the war had ended and Carthya began rebuilding, things had calmed down. Unfortunately for me, having things "calmed down" didn't satisfy my brain or wit. I had a reputation among the castle servants to disappear for the day and I was constantly running late. I had never wanted the throne and despised it even more now.
     "I'll be right there," I called as I headed toward the window Imogen was looking out of. The rising sun reflected off her brown eyes and made them sparkle.
     Once I had maneuvered myself through the window I pulled Imogen close for a quick kiss. She was wearing a simple blue dress that laced up in front and smelled of sweet flowers.
"I love you," I whispered into her ear.
"I know," she whispered back. "But we need you in the east drawing room...and quickly." She untangled herself from our embrace and hurried toward the door.
I started to follow her but she headed straight for the east drawing room and I still had to get ready. She must've sensed my situation because she called, "Meet me there!" and then disappeared around the corner. I headed the other way towards the king's chambers and found a servant stationed outside the door. "You can go," I told him as I opened my door.
"Yes sir," he replied and quickly walked away. Having someone bathe and dress me was not something I was comfortable with yet. Since no one had known I wanted to bathe, there was not a bath drawn for me. So I quickly changed into a clean linen shirt, leather vest, long pants, and calf high boots. I hoped my smell wouldn't bother whoever was waiting for me. Dressing completely like royalty again was also something I wasn't quite used to. As I turned the corner, I collided with Fink. We both tumbled to the ground.
"Jaron!" Fink exclaimed as I helped him up. "We're all waiting for you! Nila refuses to say anything until you arrived."
At the sound of Nila's name, I bolted toward the east drawing room. Fink ran to catch up. A single servant was waiting outside the door and from what Fink told me, I knew this was going to be a very private matter. I quickly dismissed the servant and opened the door.
Everyone grew quiet as I entered. Mott was standing closes to the window and Tobias was behind Amarinda, who was seated in a high backed chair. Imogen stood to my left with Nila hiding within her skirts. Fink moved to stand next to Mott and after I checked to make sure no servants were lingering near the door, I firmly closed and locked it.
"What's going on?" I asked, my eyes widening with concern.
Fink mentioned Nila and I looked toward Imogen. Everyone who I considered family was in this room. Well, almost everyone. Roden and Harlowe were missing.
"She didn't say anything," Imogen replied as Nila unburied her head from the light blue fabric of Imogen's dress.
"Alright. First, where are Roden and Harlowe?" I asked, looking around the room.
Imogen eyed me. "I think that's what Nila is trying to tell us."
"She arrived riding a horse bareback," Mott added.
That didn't sound good. Nila was eight and to my knowledge had never ridden a horse alone let alone bareback.
"Nila?" I asked, "Where are Roden and Harlowe?"
Nila looked up at me. It made me feel way too tall so I bent down on one knee.
"They're gone." Her face showed no emotion except sadness and tears started to stream down her face.
"Gone?" I repeated. "And you—you don't know where they went?"
Nila shook her head. "Someone was shouting outside last night. Then, Roden and Grandpa were just gone."
I didn't hesitate for a second to make eye contact with Mott. On any occasion like this, I would've sent him out to investigate, but I wasn't sure if he was up to it. He nodded when he met my gaze. "I can do it. I'll go."
Next, I turned to Tobias and Amarinda. "I know you two are busy with all your studies and apprenticeship, but this will be good practice. I'd like you to check Nila for any injuries. She rode a horse bareback and I don't think she's ever ridden a horse before unless Roden had taught her." Tobias and Amarinda nodded in return.
Finally, I turned to Imogen. "Will you see that she gets a new dress until Mott comes back. He can bring some of her clothes. Then take her to the kitchens for something to eat. She must be starving." Imogen nodded.
"No one can know about this," I continued. "If word gets out that my prime regent and the captain of my guard are missing, I don't know what will happen. Not a single person can know about this." I got nods from everyone and one by one, they began to leave the room.
With everyone gone, the only people left in the room were Fink and I.
"What should I do?" he asked.
"Go tell one the servants to prepare a guest room for Nila." I got up and followed Fink out of the room.
"Where are you going?" he asked as I started to walk in the opposite direction.
"That's none of your business. Now go. That room needs to be ready by tonight." I knew it wouldn't take the servants long to prepare a room. They were very efficient. I turned toward the wing that would bring me to the stables. I wanted to catch Mott before he left. Mott was already in the stables standing next to Lightning, one of the strongest horses I owned.
He turned before he mounted. "Yes, Jaron?"
"Try to be as discreet as you can. Libeth is a friendly town but you never know what could happen."
Mott nodded in agreement. I followed his eyes to the saddle on Lightning's back. His sword was strapped to the side.
"Are you sure you're up to this?" I asked as he mounted his horse.
"Yes, Jaron. Take care of yourself. And while I'm gone, please don't try anything stupid," Mott called as he rode off.
It was only mid-morning and I would have to wait until nightfall before I could sneak away. His warning about being stupid went right over my head. I had a feeling the pirates would know something and I planned to pay them a visit. I already knew no one would approve of my decision, which tended to happen a lot since I began my rule. Roden and I both had a history with the pirates. Roden joined the pirates shortly after I became king and I chased him down to get him to become the captain of my guard. In the midst of all that, I wanted to track down Devlin, the pirate who killed the priest I knew when I was a boy. Roden then became the pirate king and I fought him on a broken leg to become the next pirate king in order to take him back with me to Dryllaid.
As I entered the castle again, servants were running throughout the halls. Fink must've told them to spoil Nila rotten. I found Nila, Imogen, and Amarinda in the kitchen. The main chef was letting Nila taste all the food that was made. Nila had been bathed and was now in a pretty pink dress.
"Mott's left," I whispered to Imogen and Amarinda as the three of us watched Nila happily dip her finger in a bowl of creamy vanilla pudding.
"What do you think happened?" Imogen asked. Wrinkles formed between her brows like they always did when she was concerned.
"I'm not entirely sure. Libeth is close to the Avenian territory but it should be safe. Once I get more soldiers, I want to keep a small standing army near the town Nila lived," I replied.
The day seemed to drag on forever. After this morning's incident, learning about Roden and Harlowe, I was still scheduled to meet with Lord Kerwyn about the state Carthya was in. We wanted to open up more trade with Avenia since we were a landlocked country. Our only way to Bymar was the Eranbole Sea and the most direct way to the Eranbole Sea was through Avenia. Last I'd heard, Kippenger was still on the throne trying to rebuild a country the war had left in ruins. I was supposed to meet with Kippenger in the upcoming weeks about trading anyway.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the dinner plates were cleared. Nila clung to Imogen and no one could separate the two. Imogen was perfectly fine with that and agreed to stay in Nila's room until she fell asleep. That poor child had been through enough and she was only eight. As I walked the two of them to Nila's room, I watched Imogen. Seeing her with Nila made me love her even more and I knew she would make a wonderful mother one day. I just hoped that, I too, would be a good father and wouldn't end up anything like my own father.
"Goodnight," I whispered to Imogen as I kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you."
"Thank you for what?" Imogen asked as she kissed me back.
"For everything."
She smiled and I turned to head back to the king's chambers as she disappeared inside Nila's room.
I immediately dismissed the servant waiting for me at my door.
"It's not that I don't appreciate you," I called to him as he walked away. "I'm just used to doing everything myself."
He nodded and disappeared. He would've made sneaking out harder anyway.
I waited in my room fully clothed as a commoner in order to be unrecognizable to the village people. At the correct time, I doused my light and waited by the window until no other lights were on. Then, I quietly opened it and crawled out. When I had previously gone to the stable to see Mott, I had hidden a satchel of food and money in the haystack outside the stables. I made my way down the wall and to the stables. Quickly and quietly, I saddled Mystic, grabbed my bag, and rode out into the night.

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